Chapter 7

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The Magnificent cat, a very bad and illegal object, used for an immoral purpose, no one ever hires it for good reasons, but that doesn't make Armand stop this entire blood business. No one blames him either, for a $20,000,000 weekly salary is not an easy thing to give up. Armand for instance has a massive mansion far away from Bevin, while Wade has a lavish apartment in Bevin; they both are living a luxurious life any one could imagine. Today, Ray has joined this licentious group; his salary is growing rapidly, for the fact that he knows more people to hire the Magnificent Cat easily and with good overstated prices.

James and Picklock on the other hand are the second class workers on the team besides Joe and Nick and the other staff, but there are more workers lower than them and doing the tougher jobs. There are also additional staffs apart from the 32 people that are not living in the building; they are just there ready and waiting for war, waiting for Ruddick and Alden to make a move if they can.

Mr. Bacilli is known as the guard man, no one knows what's his job really is towards the Magnificent Cat, therefore Mr. Bacilli is just known as a guard with a $300,000 salary.

The Magnificent Cat is not an easy thing to protect since it's a money making machine with bad intentions, rivals like Ruddick and Alden will never give up until they have the Magnificent Cat in their hands, but possessing it can be difficult and they might do anything to the extreme in order to have the one thing in the world they desired.

Armand walked freshly into the secretive room and looked at the Magnificent Cat through a high sensitive thick glass covering the object.

"You are as amazing as you look" Armand said lowly to himself

The second iron door opened the next minute and Wade walked in.

"Good afternoon" Wade greeted

"Hello" Armand replied as he walks to his desk.

"Ok" Wade continued "I found this new customer, very private, wants to hire the Magnificent Cat for $1,000,000. But just for 2 days and returns it on time"

"Well Ray actually found a guy who wants to higher it for $2,000,000 and for just one day" Armand replied sharply.

Wade looked at him sadly and turned away to his desk, he then looked at Armand and said "well don't you think..."

The second iron door opened just when Wade was talking and Ray walked in.

"Hello Ray" Armand said happily

"Hello Armand" Ray replied "I have good news today too"

"Sure you do" Armand said laughingly "but just a second...Wade, what were you saying?"

"No...nothing, I was just asking to be excused" Wade said as he leaves the room.

"What is wrong with him?" Ray asked

"Nothing is wrong with him" Armand replied harshly "he is just exhausted maybe, that's all, so what's the good news you wanted to tell me?"

"It's about the Magnificent Cat of course" Ray started "there will be a meeting next week because there are two people who wanted to hire it on the same day, but we only have to give it to one of them don't we?"

"Of course" Armand replied "according to who pays the highest, you know that"

"Absolutely" Ray continued "so basically this meeting is going to be some kind of an auction"

"But you know I can't attend this meeting Ray" Armand said "I have to take a short leave and go see my family for a while"

"Oh sorry Armand I forgot about that" Ray replied "I think I should postponed it or-"

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