Chapter 4

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The day was turning darker, and it's Lisa's duty to close the Bar once all the customers are gone. Lisa shuts the Bar and was ready to go upstairs to her room when she hears a slight knock on the door.

"Is the bar still open?" The voice called out right after the knock

"We're closed" she shouted

"Please just for one second" the voice shouted

Lisa ran next to the window and piped, and then took a few steps to the door.

The door opened and Wade walked in.

"I am sorry to bother you this late but I need a drink" Wade said as he walks in.

"Why now" Lisa said as she walks to the counter.

"The work is really tough here and I don't know if I can take it anymore" Wade said to himself as he poured a glass of vodka

"You wha-"

"You are new here" Wade interrupted as he looks at her

"Yes, I started yesterday "Lisa said shyly "Where do you work?"

There was a sign of richness all around him, he was stylishly dressed and his cologne was all over the place. Lisa continued to look at him and can't help notice that his skin was perhaps even smoother than hers

"Where do you work" She asked as she checks him out slightly


"Oh...Where do you work?" she replied shyly "don't mind my curiosity, for I just..."

"No not at all" Wade said while staring at her as if he was examining her "Just a few blocks away from here, at the big can probably see it from your roof top"

"Oh yes" Lisa continued "I saw it's a strange looking thing"

"You have a very lovely voice" Wade said randomly with a poker face.

"Thank you" she replied quickly so he won't say more. For his behavior was way too weird, she earlier thought that James was weird but right now she is wondering if perhaps everyone in that building are weird.

"You don't mind me saying that do you?" he questioned

"No, no, no" she interrupted "its fine with me, thanks again. Do you know that I always wanted to be a singer?"

"Wow, I can tell" he replied "but ... if you don't mind me asking ... ... why are you here?"

"Well it not easy to go to Talent land or Fantastica stage which is not far away from Bevin, I still will need more skills and profession, but anyways my boss here said that he will let me sing in this bar for some few weeks."

"That's so good" Wade replied" this is actually a good idea, I would love to see you sing, it's a step forward"

"Thank you" Lisa replied shyly.

"Ok I think I better go now, I have something to do" Wade said as he wakes up

"Thanks for stopping by"

Wade walked next to the door and stopped; he then turned to Lisa and approached.

"I'm Wade" he said as he lends his hand for a shake

"Lisa" she replied as she shakes him smilingly

"Who knows we might meet again"

"Of course" Lisa replied laughingly "I will still be serving here tomorrow morning"

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