Chapter 2

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The sight of the verandah and Mr. Bacilli already tells James that he's home.

James opened the iron door of the house and walked down the corridor into a large hall, where he found his team sitting in a circle with Wade standing right in front of them as if they were on a meeting.

Wade Carter, early-twenties, unlike James, Wade is more friendly and open hearted to people, no one can tell if he is a bad person or a good one, easy to approach and talk to, yet capable of killing without hesitating, maybe it's because he's into his job, or perhaps a real psychopath. 

Wade joined this team only few years ago, no one knows where the boss found him and brought him to the building, but ever since he came to the building he was more important than all the other staffs, this was one of the main reasons James hated Wade from the first day.

James ignored them and walked straight to his room and shut the door behind him , he can never forget the day their boss picked Wade as his right-hand man instead of him , but he always have the feeling The Magnificent Cat will be his someday. Some dream. 

James could hear the main door open, and knew at once that it was their boss who came in, Armand Walker.

Armand Walker is 6 feet tall, broad shoulders with short brown hair in his mid-forties. He has an oval shaped head with a unique bone structure which somehow look like a woman; he has very black eyes which look like holes.

James could hear his footsteps walking straight to the hall, James quickly walked out of his room to the hall to see what the boss got for them this time

Armand walked straight to the crowd and looked at Wade.

"Follow me to my office will you?" Armand said smilingly.

"Sure" Wade said happily as he follows Armand straight to his office.

James anger grew with rage inside him, he just hates the fact that Wade is closer to the boss than himself, he hates it so much. Will Wade take over this business after Armand; is he the heir of the Magnificent Cat? To James, it's too painful to even think about it.

James actually saw Armand's office only once, it was three years ago when Armand noticed that James was very serious with his work and never does any mistakes.

Armand took James that same day to his office and it was an experience of a life time.

The office was locked by an iron door, not once but twice, the first iron door was thick but the second is even thicker, and each door has the most high tech security system, at first James thought it was unnecessary, but when he saw the office and The Magnificent Cat and what this whole business is about, he was speechless.

The Magnificent Cat is not even close to being a cat, it is actually a scientific robotic object with a shape of a golden cat, engineered to go inside human soul without knowing and also against their will, it is very illegal and everyone in the house knows, however Armand said that he uses it for only good purposes and hires it for people who only wants justice and other good things, but James sometimes think that Armand himself is using The Magnificent Cat to his own advantage and in a bad way.

That very day always flashes back in James's memory , he thought that from that day on he will be seeing Armand's office very often but it was three years ago and he did not see it ever since , this was the time James anger and rudeness started to eat him up.

James suddenly hears the elevator's door open; he quickly turned his head and saw Armand and Wade walking into the room.

"I have news for you all" Armand said loudly "it's important"

Everyone in the hall started to gather around the meeting chairs, each of them has a curious look on their faces, eager to know what the boss is going to say this time.

James took his usual seat, a bit far from the other guys and a few inches away from the boss's seat. Armand sat on his usual boss's seat with Wade sitting right next to him; they both face directly to the team and James.

"We have a new member joining us to the team, guys" Armand started




Everyone in the living room was asking questions, surprised of what they just heard

"Quite" Armand shouted "I don't want any more questions; I haven't finished talking about him an-" 

"Does he know about the Magnificent Cat?" James interrupted

Everyone in the room turns and looked at James

At first Armand didn't know what to say but then he looked at James and said "As a matter of fact he does"

Everyone in the room became more surprised now and angry at the same time

"Is he going to be one of us" shouted a guy from the back of the hall

"No" Armand replied "he is going to be like a second boss to you all"

"What?" James shouted

"No way"

"Do you remember when we almost lost the Magnificent Cat?" Armand shouted "Did you all remember Andy! Ruddick's spy, ready to posses it away from us, or Bob, the traitor who was working undercover with the police!"

All of a sudden the room became quite.

"Well guess who saved our asses" Armand continued "Guess who made me realized that Andy was a spy!"

Armand stopped talking and walked around as if he was saying something extremely important, and then handed a file to Wade. James looked at him annoyingly trying to hold himself from shooting them both

"Guys, please welcome Ray Greenwood" Armand said finally

All of a sudden, the room turned quite and everyone was focusing on the foot steps they hear coming from the corridor, and there they saw Mr. Greenwood coming in.

It was strange but James could feel that this man is familiar in one way or another, as a matter of fact he was too familiar but nameless. Suddenly it stroke him,

Ray Greenwood is the older man he saw earlier, with the girl he liked so much.

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