"Don't wait for me. Bye"

But because of Baekhyun's habbit of kissing his father before leaving the house, he unconciously kissed Chanyeol on the cheeks too.

Chanyeol was speechless. His heart is beating so fast.

"Bye!" Baekhyun said as he rushed out of his younger step brother's room.

'Aish, kissing is normal, right?' He said into his mind while walking towards the parking lot.



Baekhyun called him in a loud way in which Sehun answered by huffing and rolling of eyes. Baekhyun came here in Sehun's house because Sehun texted him telling him that he has something very important to tell him.

And Baekhyun knows Sehun doesn't kid around when it comes to this kind of matter.

"What was the important matter that you told me you were supposed to tell me?" He asked. As the question came out from his mouth, Sehun turned from looking annoyed to looking serious.

"My sister told me something weird" he started. He just looked at Baekhyun who is now waiting for him to continue talking. "She told me that she saw your mother 2 days ago when she was still in Spain."


"At first, she thought that maybe her eyes were just playing with her but she stared at her from a 7 meter distance and saw that her face looks exactly like your mother's" Sehun said.

"I know that it may seem impossible but remember the time that the stadium was burned ? I have a feeling that auntie may or may have not saved her life"

"No. It can't be true. DNA results showed that it was really mother's body that was burned. Also, the people who made the fire happen are already in jail right?" Baekhyun interrogated him again.

He cannot easily jump into conclusions.

He was tired of getting false hopes and he was tired of being wrong.

"Yes but do you really believe that they did that just because 'it was their competitor's university'?" Sehun answered as he quoted the so called reasons of the suspects tge were jailed because of the arson.

Baekhyun only looked at him seriously. He was thinking about Sehun's words.

He can be right but the possibility of my mother being alive is only 3% compared to the 97% possibility that she is already dead.

As corny as it may sound, Baekhyun wants his family to be complete again. His father started being workaholic eversince his mother died. He missed the times when they-as a family- together with his mother are spending some quality time together.  

"Look, I do kn--"

Sehun's statement was cutten when his phone rang.

"Yes, noona. Ok, fine. You don't have to remind me, you know?" He scoffed. "Whatever." He smiled unconciously "yeah, love you too. Bye"

He then hang is phone up and turned to Baekhyun who was still looking at him. "What did she say?"

"She said she will be fetching someone at the airport and she needs me to help her with some business." Sehun said in a monotone voice. He smiled wickedly as he say "wanna come?" He watched Baekhyun's expression to turn from a serious one to a disgusted one.

Baby Brother • BaekYeolWhere stories live. Discover now