" I'm not thinking that way. " En said. " Your not? " I asked. Giving him a slight grin, he blushed more. " Of course not, I told you I wouldn't think of you in that way. " En said. I smiled as I felt a spot in my chest warm up. Smiling more as I remembered what he said back a while ago.

" It was fun , except for having other guys look at my a** . " I said .
" Well you inherited ryu's good looks , so guys are gonna look at ya . " he said . " Even you? " I asked . " Maybe . " he teased . I punched his arm and we laughed . " Joking , I wouldn't look at you unless you asked . But I wouldn't anyway even if you asked , ryu would scold me for it . " he said .

That night I was so happy. It was a night I wouldn't forget, that's when we cuddled for the first time. I still remember it like it was yesterday, and every since that night I've always wanted to sleep in his arms again. Maybe I will tonight again tonight. Because it's a feeling that I love so much, his warmth that surrounds me, his arms giving me a sense of security, just feeling safe and wanted. It's something I've always wanted to feel besides my father's or brothers embrace.

  Remembering those times gave me a sense of familiarity to myself. " Kimmy. " " Kimmy. " I jolted as I was brought back from reality, and I looked at En. " How long was I out? " I asked. " You weren't out, but you were spaced out for at least five minutes. " En said. Five minutes? Well damn. " Sorry, I guess I was just lost in thought for a minute. " I said. He nodded, and we both ate as we talked too.

        * At the district Fair *

   " Your bringing me here?! " I squealed. En nodded, and I giggled as I was practically dancing around and acting like a 3 year old. I'm sorry, it's I've never been to a fair in so long! Back when I lived with dad they only held a fair every so often, and sometimes I couldn't even go. But when I could I'd go with my friends and we'd have the time of our lives.
" I knew you'd like it. " En said. As we got in, I was still so excited.

" Yes I do, I absolutely love fairs! Back when I was with my dad there wasn't a lot of fairs and so I didn't get to go a whole lot, but when I did I went with my friends and we had so much fun. " I said. " Really? " En asked. I nodded, and we walked around. So many games, concessions, booths, and other things too. And they had that big Ferris wheel that had heart shaped seats, well it was a container shaped like a heart and it had seats inside. They were all different colors. Oooh, we need to go on that!

  " So what do you want to do first? " En asked me. My arm linked with his and he was looking straight at me. I looked around and looked, but not finding a game that sights my interest.   But before I could tell him no, I saw a water squirting game. Oh, I always loved those games. Dad would always play those games with me when he went to the fair with me and we always played it first, so it became my favorite. I pulled En to it and we sat down to each other.

    As the carny counted to 3, we then started and I then kept a straight angle as En kinda struggled. Laughing at En I saw my duck reach the end first, and I got up cheering. En didn't pour But he grabbed me and I squealed. " Your weird. " En said. " No I'm not, I've just always liked those games. Me and my dad would always play them first when he came with me. " I said. " Oh, makes sense. " En said. I nodded and we continued to walk.

  As we did looking for more games, we heard a yell. " Hey you there sir! " someone shouted. Me and En stopped, and looked at the man who was pointing at us. " You there! Step right up! Win a prize for your girlfriend! " He shouted again. Me and En looked at his booth, and he had the empty milk bottles, and stuff animals galore hanging. En looked at me, and I looked at a stuffed animal that was practically calling my name. It was a huge plush grey wolf that had sparkly blue eyes, and a huge red heart sewed to its front legs that said on the heart in white writing, 'I love you forever'.

  I look at him, and he smiles and gives the man some money. He then grabs the ball and throws, and threw the other two making all the milk bottles hit the floor. " Congratulations! Pick a prize! Anyone you want! " the man said. En pointed at the wolf and he gave En the wolf, then En gave me the wolf and I smiled. We continued to walk and I suddenly got a chill breeze hit me. En noticed this, and tool his jacket off. " En you don't need to do that. " I said.

    " Yes I do, and plus I want to because I don't want you getting a fever or a cold. " En said. Smiling I was happy as he put his jacket around me, and then he held my hand and kept me close as we walked. Holding onto the wolf, En pulled us towards Ferris wheel. He must really want to do this one huh? I'm guessing so. But I don't mind, because I see that this one goes slow so we can talk. As we made it to it, the line was going by fast and soon me and En were in one. We were in a pink one and I was smiling.

  It was kinda small, but it had a big window in front of us and a small one  behind our seats. We sat next to each other, and En was holding my hand as I laid my head on his shoulder. Our thing going up slowly so the view was slowly building. It was so quiet in here that we could our own breathing, I swear I could hear my own fluttering heartbeat. " En, " I said.  " Yea? " he said. " I'm having so much fun. " I said smiling. I saw from the corner of my eyes that he was smiling, and I smiled even more.

   As I looked up, I looked at him and he looked at me. I blushed and looked at the stuffed wolf, " You didn't have to get me this. " I said. " Yes I did, I could see it in your eyes that you wanted it. Plus I know you love wolves. " En said. Blushing, but smiling that he remembers that made happy. I'm kinda surprised he'd remember that since it was such a small detail. I didn't think he would remember it. " Well thank you for getting it for me. " I said.

   " Your welcome. " He said. As I looked at the wolf, I smiled at it. " It reminds me of you. " En said. I looked at him, confused, but also curious. " How? " I asked. " Because it's as cute as you. " En said. I blushed, but bringing my lips up to a smile once more. I pulled En in close and kissed him. I felt that smile of his, and he kissed back slowly. Things starting out gentle and loving. I dropped the wolf to the floor and wrapped my arms around En's neck, pulling him closer as I heard his jacket on me rustle with our movements.

   En wrapped his strong arms around me, and I could feel his muscled arms. They weren't too muscled… but just the right way I wanted them. As we continued this way I started to feel uncomfortable, so I took a bold step and sat myself on his lap. En looked at me, but I went with it and kissed him again. Being able to pull him closer and he deepened the kiss, running his tongue over my bottom lip hinting me and I let him. Tangling my fingers in his hair and slightly tugging I allowed for our kisses to become hungry and passionate.

  Feeling my heartbeat increase, I felt the adrenaline in my veins pumping. Feeling sparks fly higher and higher as our kisses continued. His hands traveled down to my waist and stayed there, keeping his boundaries. He is such a gentleman. Respecting my wishes, knowing I'm not ready for any of that yet. But I knew I'd have to stop for breath here soon. I just wanted to enjoy his moment as much as I could. Every moment I have with En, I enjoy it every second it lasts. Because I want it to last.

  Finally needing breath, we slowly pulled back and I laid my forehead against his. Our breathing in pants. The sparks still lingering, and everything in me feeling hazy.  Looking at En as our eyes met, and he smiled. Smiling back at him, I wanted to tell him. Tell him I loved him. I mean we both said we felt that way, but I hadn't excatly told him that yet. We both hadn't. Explaining it and saying it is two different things. But something in my mind was telling me that now wasn't the right time to tell him.

  So I guess I'll just wait to tell him.

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