Chapter 7

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" Ahhh! " I screamed. " Kimmy! " the guys screamed. Before the volleyball could squash me, I felt a small crack and I saw En standing there holding up the volleyball. He saved me. He was using his strength to save me from being squashed, oh my god. He looked at me checking for injuries and sighed in relief seeing I was alright. " Cerulean! " the guys screamed. That must be En. That's when I saw flashes and I was the others jump as the volleyball whined.

" Epinard Hurricane! " " Scarlet Lumiere! " " Vesta Ignite! " " Sulfur Gaia! " The hell? With that the volleyball was thrown off of us by that, and then En collapsed to the ground. En! " Cerulean! " the guys shouted. I ran to En and got next to him, holding him close as I moved his dirty blonde hair out his eyes. Feeling for a pulse... oh thank god! There's a pulse and it's strong too, but he probably collapses from holding the monster for too long. He did that for me.

The guys surrounded us, and Atsushi got next to En. Those two are close in friendship, they've been friends since they were little. " He probably passed out from lifting it too long. " Lo said. " That's probably the case, did he have a pulse? " Atsushi asked. I nodded, and they all sighed in relief. " That's good, we can't lose anyone. " Yumoto said. " Is he alright?! " Wombat asked as he finally made it over here. " Yeah, just passed out from lifting the monster for too long. " Ryu said. Everytime someone said that, I for some reason felt guilty.

Probabky because he saved me when I wasn't paying attention. As I held him I looked at him... his hair strayed, eyes closed, and or some reason I think slowly he was cuddling to me. Weird... am i imagining this? But I kinda don't wish I wasn't. I looked up for a minute and I saw the monster right at us, I tried not to scream and I pointed. The guys looked and got their staffs/wands then ran but not before yelling. " We got this! " Lo said. " Stay with Cerulean! " Atsushi said.

" Stay safe! " Ryu said. " Stay there and keep Cerulean safe! " Yumoto said. I nodded, and held En as I watched the others distracted the monster. I ran my hand throw En's hair to keep it out of his face, and I listened for his pulse to make sure it didn't slow. As long as he was alright that's what made me happy because I was scared when he passed out. I'm gonna have to thank him properly when he wakes up after this is over.
But I'm sure he's gonna have to wake up soon so we can all finish this monster off with the finishing move.

At least that's how things go when a team finishes. And as I was about to run my hand through his hair again, a hand catches mine and holds it gently. I looked and my eyes met with beautiful deep sea blue ones. En...
Looking at him, he looks at me and we just stay like that. " Are you okay? " I asked. " Yeah, just a bit weak but I'm fine now. " he said. I smiled, but I blushed as he suddenly caressed my hand that was being held hostage in his. " You had me worried there a bit. " I said truthfully.

" Well, I'll try to not worry you anymore. " he said smiling at me. " Thanks, but I think we need to get back in the fight. The guys are probably bout ready for this to be over. " I said. He laughed, and I got up then helped him up. We then ran over to the guys, and I saw them trying. En showed me how to get my staff out. It was a light purple staff, then on top was a light purple colour with a lightning strike on top of the cloud. We all fought, then finally i was getting over with this.

Starnding in front of the volleyball I pointed at it. " You need to stop whining! Just because you didn't make the team isn't the worst thing on earth! " I shouted. It stopped and looked at me, the guys gasped at my sudden boldness. " There may of been different reasons why you didn't make the team! It just means you need to work harder and show him next year that you can do better! So cut your whining and just believe in yourself that you can do better! Because this isn't getting you anywhere! " I shouted again.

It fell down to its knees, and Yumoto held up his wand. " Guys the final move! " Yumoto shouted. We all nodded, and held up our sticks. " Sparkle, lumiere of love! " " Flash, purifying aqua! " " Pierce, gallant hurricane! " " Roar, raging gaia! " " Thrill, blazing ignite! " " Electrifying, thundering storm! " I shouted. Raising my wand the lightening bolt on it flowed and I saw all of our tops connect and create a bigger staff and Yumoto held it.

" True Love Attack! " Yumoto shouted and raised the stick down making a giant heart with wings fly towards the monster and it hit it. We then all faced the monster that was on its knees. " Like Violet said, you can always try again next year but practice and practice till you get better. So stop whining about it! " Yumoto said. He then raised the wand again, and light went towards the sky. " True Love Shower! " Yumoto shouted. It then rained on the monster.

The monster then turned into ... a girl? She fell to the ground and looked all nice and clean like she had just actually taken a shower over her clothes. She had light blue eyes, light blonde hair, and she had on the girls uniform for this school. I went over to her and helped her up. Oh my god! It's Emi! I totally forgot she had tryouts today! She's my new friend that I made today! I forgot to tell Ryu, all because En was being destractive. Ryu would be happy I made a friend.

But like she could see me, I remember wombat telling me that when we got into our costumes that our faces would be pixeled to others except for us, and our voices would be changed. " Hey are you alright? " I asked her. She looked at me, but with a smile. " Yeah i'm fine... thank you for helping me. " she said. She looked at me a bit more. " Who are you? " Emi asked. " Someone who just saved your life, now run off and maybe go find a friend. " I said. She smiled then nodded, and then ran off.

I walked back to the others and they looked at me. " Who was that Kimmy? " Atsushi asked. " Yeah, is she someone important? " Yumoto asked. Sighing I scratched the back of my neck. " A new friend of mine I made today. " I said. Ryu's eyes lit up and he smiled at me, he then rubbed the top of my head. " Aw! My sister's made a new friend, I'm so proud of you Kimmy. " Ryu said happily. Why did he have to make such a big deal out of it? So what if I made a new friend. It wasn't a big deal.

" What's her name? " Yumoto asked. " Yeah I think she's a first year maybe. " Lo said. " Her name's Emi Mikako, she's actually a third year in me and Ryu's class. " I said. " She is? " Ryu asked. Lo nodded, and I pointed my finger in his direction as to prove my point. " See, it's just you were too busy flirting with all those girls you didn't see she was there. She's more of the quiet type unless it comes to sports. " I said. " Well I'm still proud of you, mom will too. " Ryu said.

As we soon turned back into our school uniforms, we were on our way back to the club room when I saw some guy dressed in a white and gold uniform with brown hair come out. He saw us and waved. " Aw, the defense club, nice to see you. " he said. " You too Arima, but hey, where's Kin and Gero? " En said. " In the room, Kin told me to come get you guys so we can all talk. He's invited you all for snacks and refreshments. " he said. Hmm... seems legit. His eyes found mine and he looked astonished.

" Oh wow, so this is Zaou's sister? The great Kimmy Zaou? " he asked. " In the flesh mister. " I retorted. I felt myself get nudged in the side, and I turned my gaze back to En. He was grinning and I smiled right back at him. " Well, come in and you can meet the others. I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you and talk with you. " the Arima guy said.

And so we followed him into the room he was coming from.

Cute High Earth Defense Club Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora