Chapter 9

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                     * 2 days later *

   " Ryu, stop don't come near me! " I yelled. " Come here then." Ryu said. As he got closer to me, I dodged him and bent down as I picked him up over my shoulder and threw him down over me and onto the floor. " Oh! " En and Atsushi cheered me on. The others clapped and laughed. Ryuu just pouted and held his head. " I didn't know you could do that Kimmy! " Yumoto said happily. " Well back when I lived with my dad, I took a lot of classes of all sorts so I could defend myself. " I said. " What classes? " Ryu asked.

   " Karate, Jujitsu, kick-boxing, self-defense, teen ninja, gymnastics, spin, trapeze, and also regular cramaga classes. " I said as I scratched the top of my head. " Seriously?! " Atsushi asked with a shocked look. " Damn. " En said. " How did you have all that free time? " Lo asked. " I'm gonna have to rant to dad about that. " Ryu said getting up. " Just makes her more tougher. " Wombat said. " That's so cool! " Yumoto said. He was smiling from ear to ear as usual… but that's just Yumoto.

  Before I could say anything else… a sudden knock at the door caught our attention. " Probably the student council. " Lo said. I shrugged my shoulders, and went to the door. As I opened it I soon regretted that decision as I was suddenly flashed by lights. " Hey! Stop with the flashing! " I shouted as I covered my blurred eyes. I was then suddenly pulled back and huddled around as I finally managed to unblur my eyes. " Aw dang, those photos are terrible. Can't put that on the school website. " someone said.

  " Your gonna delete those photos of my sister right now! " Ryu yelled. As I opened my eyes I saw the guys were covering me from two guys in front of us, one with a mini microphone and the other with a camera. " Aw, Mr. Zaou, I'm gonna need you here in a minute. " the man with the microphone said. He was weird. And what's with the big line green glasses?  " Your not getting anything from me or my sister, so you just need to back off! " Ryu said angrily. " There are other clubs you can mess with.

   " Atsushi said. " Yeah, why don't you go do another article on the entertainment club. " En said. " Your not getting any interview from us. " Lo said. " Especially Ryu's sister! " Yumoto said. " Jeez, why so violent? We just wanted to do an article on the siblings in this club. Because everyone seems to be raving about them. " the guy with the microphone said. " Sorry bud not gonna happen. " Ryu said. I walked to Ryu and stood closer to him.

  " Again go interview the entertainment club. " Atsushi said. " They have siblings who can be interviewed. " En said. " Yes, and I'm sure their willing to answer. " Lo said.  " Why not just answer a few questions that's all I'm asking. " the guy with the glasses said. Sighing to myself, I knew they wouldn't go away if we didn't agree. " Fine. " I said. " What?! " the guys asked. " Finally some cooperation! " the guy with the glasses said. " Kimmy no! " Ryu said. The guys all agreed and ganged up on me!

  " Let's just do it so they'll leave us alone, jeez, I swear you don't know how to solve any problems. " I sighed.
So I pulled Ryu and we got to the front, to where they could see us. The guy with the glasses got next to me and Ryu, smiling as he held the microphone to himself. The guy with the camera gave a thumbs up as a red light on it came on. " Were rolling. " He said. " Good evening binan high school students! I'm your reporter, Kou Kinosaki, as per usual. " the guy with glasses said.

  " Today, were doing an interview on the famous siblings that everyone's been raving about! The Zaou siblings in the Earth Defense Club! " Kou said.
The camera turned towards me and Ryu and I just stayed calm. Not wanting to embarrass myself. " So I'm here with Ryu Zaou, and his sister Kimmy Zaou right now. And I'm about to ask them just a few questions. " Kou said again. As we were about to be asked questions I could feel behind me the annoyance of the others, one of very pissed off so I'm guessing that was wombat.

  " So, Kimmy I've heard from others that it's been years since you saw your brother. How do you feel getting to see him now? " Kou asked. " I'm happy, that I get to see him now after the years of separation. Because I just missed having my brother there by my side. And I'm excited, because I get to be here with him and get to go to school with him. It just makes up for all the missing memories. " I said.
I looked to Ryu, and he smiled right back at me. " Ryu, do you feel the same about this? " Kou asked Ryu.

  " I do, because it's been so painful all these years having to go everyday without her. And I'm just happy that I get to spend time with her now, so I can see the rest of her grow up. " Ryu said. I smiled and I kinda felt like crying, just hearing this and I felt the sadness he was feeling. " Next question, Ryu what's it like living with your sister at home? " Kou asked. Ryu laughed and I sighed, thinking oh god. " She can be a pain when she wants, it is a little getting use to since it just has to be me and my mom. Sometimes I just unexpect the unexpected and everyday it's a new day full of adventure. " Ryu said.

Wow, okay so I see how it is. " Next question, Kimmy, how has your experience at our school been? Do you enjoy it here? How do you like going to school with Ryu? " Kou asked. " It's great so far, I mean its a lot bigger than my school back in California with my dad. It is a good school I enjoy the quietness there is to some of my favorite parts of the buildings. Having class and going to school with Ryu is fun, and like Ryu said. Everyday is a day full of adventure. You never know what to expect except for the unexpected. " I said.

   " Last question, Ryu, how do you feel about Kimmy joining the club? " Kou asked. I looked to Ryu knowing he would answer honestly. " Well, at first I was a little conscious about the whole thing. But I knew that she'd bring great ideas and do amazing things, so I'm actually happy that she's    apart of the club with us. " Ryu said. I smiled and leaned on his shoulder, he smiled as I held onto him arm. " Wow,  what an amazing interview from an amazing pair of siblings! " Kou said.

I sighed, and Kou babbled on as I tuned him out. I didn't really wanna do this in the first place… but I knew if we didn't then they wouldn't leave us along. Plus Kou was so persistent. But I kinda don't regret it now because I got to hear sweet words from my brother. As we stayed there, Kou and his camera man thanked us for the interview and then left. I went to my chair that was next to Ryu and leaned my head on his shoulder, grabbing my phone and plugging in my earphones as I listened to my music.

  I didn't wanna hear anything else and ruin the moment. I was in a good place right and I just didn't wanna leave it. Hearing that from Ryu… it really made my day a bit better. Because after fighting the flower monster today, I really needed this. And trust me, that monster wasn't as easy as it looked. I'm sure I have a couple of scratches from the small thorns. Which sucks cause I don't wanna be sore or limping, I just hate that feeling. But I suck it up anyways.

  As I adjusted myself on Ryu, I knew he was smiling. He always enjoyed moments like this too with me, we had a lot of these back when we were little before the separation. Back when I was 3, I was a tired little thing so I'd always fall asleep on him. Sometimes I'd crawl into his bed with him and snuggled to him during storms or when I couldn't sleep. I miss  that sometimes.


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