I washed my hair and followed my basic routine before returning to my closet, wrapped up in a towel.

I stared at all of the clothes I had. Most of them were free, given to me by different designers and agents that were trying to butter me up for not paying very much.

“Casual.” I whispered to myself, trying to find something that would show Harry that I was by far not interested in sleeping with him or going out with him anymore. This was a one-time deal.

I slipped on a pair of my skinny blue jeans and a white tank top, only to be covered by a light blue Jack Wills hoodie that the designer gave me after a photo-shoot.

I pulled my hair back, securing it with a black elastic that I had found around my wrist and I swiped some mascara on quickly.

I slipped my ankle boots on remembering what my agent, Sophia told me… “You are never to be seen without heels on. Period.”

It sucked, but whatever. Paychecks were nice too.

I threw my phone in my bag and scooped it up, making my way for the door.

I started walking to Carnie’s. It was a little coffee and tea shop that was right down the road from my apartment. It was always dark and cozy, but warm and inviting. Most of the people who went there were business men with their laptops who needed to get away from their screaming children for five minutes.

As I approached it, I saw Harry standing outside in black skinnies, a blue plaid shirt and a gray beanie, tapping onto his phone.

“Hello.” I smiled, getting his attention.

“Hi!” He smiled, looking me up and down. “How are you on this lovely morning?” He asked with a grin.

“I’m good!” I glanced inside as my stomach growled again. “Let’s go inside! I’m cold.” I smiled.

He chuckled and opened the door for me, letting me walk in and have the warmth hit my face. He followed behind me as I walked up to the counter. He put his hand on the small of my back for a second and as I glanced at him, warningly, he took it off.

“Can I get a large mint tea?” I asked quietly.

“And for you?” The barista asked, eyeing Harry. I wasn’t sure if she had recognized him, but she was for sure checking him out.

“Ehm. I’ll have a large green tea. Caffeinated, please.” He said politely.

She murmured out the price and Harry handed her his credit card as I was fishing around for some cash.

“At least let me pay you back.” I said looking at him with my eyes wide. If he didn’t let me pay him back, then this was considered at date. And I didn’t want that.

“No, this one’s on me.” He smiled.

“I don’t feel right having you pay for my tea.”

The barista walked away, leaving Harry and I to bicker alone.

“Well too bad.” He said defiantly, “I’m paying for it.”

I huffed as our drinks were brought to us and Harry led us to the back corner of the café.

We sat and talked about benign stuff for a while. I tried to keep it casual as Harry was trying to flirt up a storm.

“You know,” He started. “Most models don’t look good unless they have pounds of make-up piled on their face, but you’re gorgeous without all of that stuff.”

I smiled, feeling flattered, but rolled my eyes.

“We’re just out for tea.” I said giving my plan away, “You don’t have to butter me up.”

As soon as I finished a high pitch squeak came from the other side of the café as three young girls ran up to our tables.

“Hi, Harry. Can we get a picture?” The leader and most confident one said. Harry shot me an apologetic look as he stood up and bantered with the girls for a few minutes before snapping some pictures and having them walk off.

More people started staring, and all of a sudden it got out of control. Paparazzi were showing up from across the street and even non-discreetly, from the sidewalk outside of the window where our table was sat. I tried to keep my cool. I had dealt with paparazzi before… I was a large name in the London fashion scene, but this wasn’t because I was walking about. They were here to get a picture of Harry and I out on a “date” and they were going to sell it to everywhere possible.

“Let’s go.” He said catching a glimpse of the cameras standing up.

We both grabbed onto our teas and walked out of the shop as the camera men started running up to us and asking us all sorts of questions.

We ignored them and kept walking.

“Let me give you a ride back to your flat.” He said lowly, eyeing me and then eyeing the dozen or so men around us with cameras.

I nodded as we made our way to his Land Rover. I hopped inside and he walked around, got in his side and revved the engine.

Cameras still snapped away from outside as he sped off.

“I’m sorry about that.” He said lowly.

I shook my head. “I’m used to it, just not that viciously.”

Harry smiled again as I motioned for him to stop outside of my flat. “Well, I’ll call you sometime and we’ll have to set up a more planned out date.” He said.

The word date made me cringe, but I wanted to be polite. “Yeah, for sure.” I smiled, hopping out of his SUV.

“See you later.” He said as I slammed the door and ran into my apartment.

I was screwed.

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