Chapter 13 : Meet My-

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I couldn't believe the worst possible scenario happened shortly after. While Vice and Limana were gone, the most unexpected visitors came to my door only moments later. My mother placed my father's and her shoes at the door neatly. My father stepped more inside my humble abode, and started to scrutinize anything that came into his sight. What were they doing here? Of all times... honestly? "My dearest Firen, I see you're doing well.... Now. Are you going to welcome me?" he said in a scornful tone. I bowed respectively to him. "Welcome to my home father. I hope you approve. Please do sit down while I find some type of refreshment to your liking." I said trying to hold back bitter distaste that my father was here. My father is a true chauvinistic pig in all ways possible. Then my mother is foolish enough to stay by his side. My father strode over to my couch, and examined it harshly. His lip lifted into a snarl, and he beckoned for my mother. She came over to him quickly, and examined the couch herself. Once done, she placed her palm onto the cushion.

Her hands glowed, thus warming up the seat. After she was done, my father sat with a hard pressed straight face. "So I assume you don't have many visitors, since your seats aren't pre-heated for guests." He stated nonchalantly. I kept my head down, knowing that talking this man would do no good. "But that is not the reason I've come here today." He said calmly. I heard a small hint of some sort of emotion that wasn't often present. He beckoned my mother to sit down, and she sat closely beside him, with a smile slowly turning on her face. "As you know, Limana is a very informational person. But I guess the news does a fair job too sometimes... After this shock was certainly a surprise." He reasons with a ghost of a smile. Yes I do know. But she only says what I usually approve of. "I heard recently that there was a fire in a local café. Instantly, you were able to access a powerful force that has been hidden within the fire generations for quite some time. But you Firen... you were able to access it with just a small kitchen fire!" my father's voice rose with each growing statement.

I could see the excitement in his eyes, but nowhere else present on his face. My mother's smile was full blown now with appraisal. "While all of that may be good news, I have heard that there has been problems with your fiancé." He said blatantly. "Ex fiancé." I corrected smartly, a little annoyed that they weren't even taking my feelings into the matter. He gave me a harsh glare, and my mother's smile disappeared. He stood with greatness, making it seem as if he were towering everyone. He stomped passed me, and I kneeled in respect. He slapped me across the face, with balls of fire at his palms. I stood my place, only letting my head move. "What do you mean ex fiancé?" he hollered. "Do you know how much presrtigue that man would have brought this family? How could you have so foolishly let him go knowing what that would cost this family?!" he continued to bellow. "I mean exactly what I said father. I have done no wrong, and it was expected." I said calmly, trying so hard to contain my anger. He raised his hand again, with his fist tightening, but my mother flicked her wrist out just as a quick, with noticeable heat radiating near us, causing my father's arm to be locked in place. After a couple tugs against the obvious force he was now against, he glanced back at her, and then let out a hefty huff before releasing his fist altogether. Why my mother even bothered with this man was beyond me, when her power was clearly far greater. "We will get back to that, later. What is important right now is that we talk about your future in using the gift that our goddess has blessed you to use." He said just as chipper as before. I glared up at him, seeing as he was happily smiling down at me. I could never keep up with his mood shifts... this man was certainly a lunatic.

"I'm sorry father, but I have no intention of doing such, unless I absolutely have to." I said as calmly as possible, but just assertive enough to get my point across. I felt his grip tighten in my hair, as he raised me eye level to his seething glare, teeth baring. "How dare you shame me so?!" he bellowed. "She declines our gift, her fiancé, honestly, Adora, what have you taught this child other than rebellion?" he screamed at my mother. She kept her head down, refusing to up as he scolded her. "What's next Firen? You marry an Ice man?" he screamed purposely sarcastic. I heard the door click, and we looked up to see Vice walking through the door, with clear surprise of these unwelcome guests. I swear I could hear the theme song to Kill Bill. My father practically went mad. His hands curled into fists, and became shaking vigorously, fire engulfing his forearms, burning through his clothing. "You dare walk into a house, family full of fire people, Filthy iceman?" he boomed towards Vice. Vice stood like a deer in headlights, unmoving, and not saying anything. I could see my father's hands moving, ready to make contact with Vice in the worst possible way. I stood up instinctively, and grabbed my father's hand before any damage could be done. My father glared at my sudden course of action, the fire on his palm slowing dispersing.

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