Chapter ELEVEN - day one troubles

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I sat in my bed for three hours, not moving an inch besides picking up my phone and smashing myself further into the pillows and blankets.

Last night worried me, the way Harry acted made me feel closer to him. I didn't want to get closer though, the thought of becoming close to anyone besides Dylan scared me. What if he had bad intentions?

Deep down I felt safe with him but I had to also be honest with myself, why would a celebrity like him want to be around someone like me? I could hardly pay my bills and I was a huge fan, he probably thinks I'm obsessive and he owes it to me.

I checked the time and noticed it was approaching noon so I finally dragged myself out of bed and out into the kitchen, starting the coffee machine before thumping my cold feet on the wooden floors back to my room.

Since I was going to be cleaning, I wore a pair of black leggings and a light blue top that was soft to the touch. I didn't want to think much about it so I hardly looked in the mirror before heading off to have a cup of coffee.

I didn't realize it was already almost noon so I picked up my coffee and carried it out of my apartment, shut and locked the door behind me, and then preceded to walk down the hall to Harry's place.

I hit the door a few times with my elbow, while still sipping my coffee.

There was no noise from the other side of the door, so I knocked extra hard one last time. Suddenly the door swung open and my stomach dropped to my toes.

A beautiful brunette girl stood in front of me, she had sunken in cheekbones and distinguishable eyebrows. Her face lit up into a smile when she looked at me up and down, "You must be Lennon! Harry was just telling me about you, how you're going to be the hel-"

"Sierra," Harry presented himself in the small opening in the door, I looked at him and it was obvious how taken aback I was by the way he observed me. In that moment I was snapped out of this fantasy I was living, they were both practically models. I was a regular girl from Canada. I moved a step back when Harry tried almost pushing her out of the way, "You were just leaving, remember?"

The girl, Sierra, rolled her eyes playfully and readjusted the purse she had resting on her shoulder, "I guess I was, it was lovely seeing you Lennon. Talk soon?" What startled me the most about her was that she wasn't being mean to me at all, she treated me like any normal human would. She seemed humbled and down to earth.

I mustered up a smile and nodded, "Of course," I cleared my throat, "I would love that."

She smiled one last time at me and then glanced back at Harry, giving him a confident grin before she headed off down the hall to the stairwell. I watched her walk in her tan, summer-styles wedges as her white dress swayed from side to side as she moved.

I couldn't help but quickly look at my own boring outfit, black leggings and a soft blue t-shirt along with some white slip on vans. I bit the inside of my cheek, calming my breathing from the surprise of a beautiful girl in Harry's apartment.

My eyes fell before me and I studied Harry's black socks he was wearing, I pushed everything to the back of my mind and forced myself to peer up at him with a fake smile, he looked nervous.

"Good morning," I greeted, and without hesitation I pushed past him and into his apartment where I set my mug of coffee down on his counter. I kept my back to him while he walked back in, he was silent.

I drank a big gulp of coffee to waste time and try to think of something to say to kill the long awkward pause I knew we were about to have.

"She wouldn't leave, I'm sorry-" Harry started but I wanted to show him that I didn't care, even though the pit of my stomach burned with jealousy.

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