Chapter 31 - Surprise

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"And I seriously don't need to be reminded of it every fucking second Soo..." the taller man stressed, breathing hard.

"I'm already miserable as it is.." Chanyeol whispered, a sad smile playing on his lips.

Kyungsoo didn't when he also had started to tear up but when he felt the similar salty taste on his lips, he realized that he was crying too. He didn't say any words as he pulled the taller man into a tight embrace and let the other weep on his shoulder. He may not be able to help him, but he's going to be here for him, no matter what.

Kyungsoo pulled away and cradled Chanyeol's face in his hands as he wiped the streaks of tears still falling from his face. "It's alright Yeol...It's going to be alright...Don't you worry about anything.."

"I'm sorry Soo..I'm so, so sorry..." Chanyeol sniffled, rubbing his eyes. "I'll try to look for a job as soon as possible Soo..."

"It's okay Yeol - ah.." Kyungsoo smiled at him gently as he carded his fingers through his hairs. "You can take as long as you need.."

"You can lean on me Chanyeol...You can lean on me..."


Kyungsoo stifled another yawn as he shuffled past the whispering crowd and marched his way through the corridor which leads towards the main gate. His shift at the nearby coffee shop was about to start, so he speeded up his steps and continued to walk down the street.

As he was walking, he fished out his phone and dialed Chanyeol's number to call him up. The taller man picked up within three rings and Kyungsoo's face instantly lit up with a small smile as he heard the taller man's voice.

"Your shift's starting soon...Are going there right now?" Chanyeol asked through the phone.

"Hmm.," Kyungsoo responded as he turned the corner. He could already see the cozy looking coffee shop from here. "Have you taken your lunch?"

"I just did.." Chanyeol answered. "What about you?"

"Luhan hyung said he's going to bring lunch for me so I will eat there.."

"When are you going be back?" Chanyeol questioned which made Kyungsoo chuckle because the taller man just sounded like a puppy.


"You know..." Chanyeol muttered through the phone. "Plus...I heard that uni's going to arrange a campus placement program so I wanted to discuss it with you.."

"Really?!" Kyungsoo exclaimed with happiness. "It's such good news Chanyeol..I'm going to be back by 7 so don't worry alright.."

"I gotta go now Yeol - ah.," Kyungsoo said as he approached the shop. "I'll call you when I get over alright...Call me if you need something.."

"Okay...Bye Soo.."

He hung up the call as he entered the shop and walked over to the counter to greet Jongdae before making his way towards the staff room to change his attire. When he reached there, he saw Luhan already changing back to his normal clothes. He greeted the older man as he stopped in front of his locker to take out his clothes.

"You're over now?" Kyungsoo asked, removing his jacket and folding it neatly before placing it in his locker.

"Hmm.." Luhan hummed. "Here's your lunch, make sure to eat everything alright.."

Kyungsoo nodded before putting on the apron. When he was done, he sat on one of the chairs and motioned Luhan to do the same. They chatted for a while with Jongdae occasionally joining in from the counter.

As they were chatting, Kyungsoo grabbed the bento box before opening it. But as soon as the waft of the food hit his nose, he instantly felt like puking. Seeing his strange reaction, Luhan picked up the discarded bento box and started to examine it thinking that maybe there's something wrong with it. But to his surprise, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Soo... You alright? Why aren't you eating?" Luhan asked worriedly.

"What have you put inside that hyung?" Kyungsoo questioned with disgust.

"What?" Luhan was more than perplexed. "It's favorite Kimbap and egg rolls Soo... What else am I going to put inside that?"

"I don't know hyung... It smells weird.." Kyungsoo grimaced as he remembered the smell. It was so horrible that as soon as he smelled it, it felt like his insides were churning due to it.

"I don't think I can eat it hyung... I'm sorry.." the smaller man apologized and got up from his seat before making his way towards the exit.

But before he could reach there, suddenly his vision starts to get blurred as his steps become shaky. He tries to grab something for support but all of a sudden everything just seems out of reach. He could hear the muffled sounds filling his ear but he could hardly register anything.

And then suddenly everything turns black.


The next time when Kyungsoo opens his eyes, he finds himself lying on the hospital bed with a strange tube connected to his hand. He tries to move his body but no matter how hard he attempts, everything limb of his body feels too heavy.

But before he could look around more, suddenly a very much panicky Chinese male captures his vision with his red eyes and snot running down his face.

With a soft chuckle, he looks at the male and asks "Lu hyung why are you crying?"

Luhan doesn't answer, he just wails a little bit more as Jongdae rubs his shoulder in a soothing manner. Seeing their weird interaction, Kyungsoo felt confused. He must have passed out due to fatigue so why in the world this deer hyung is crying like he lost his balls?

Although his confusion doesn't last long because soon a doctor approaches them and tells him the news he certainly did not expect in his wildest dreams.

He looks at Jongdae and Luhan with a surprised expression, asking them to confirm whether it's really true or not. But the other doesn't say anything. Jongdae just nods with a soft smile as Luhan starts to wail harder.

"Congratulations Kyungsoo - ssi, you're going to become a father.."

A/n this chapter is unedited so please ignore the grammatical errors. Hi everyone! I have finally updated. I'm sorry again for the late update cause my exams are going on and I barely have any I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. So..this is a vital chapter and you might not understand why but soon you will so please look forward to it. One question, am I moving this story too fast now? Anyways I hope all of you enjoyed it.

3 chapters are left including the epilogue's going to end soon. Hope you all will miss this story as much as I will.

Make sure to comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote.

I'll see you all soon.

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