Part Two: Chapter Seven

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After reconvening over some eggs, coffee, and toast, a plan was made and was slowly being put into action. Amelie was waiting in the back of Sam's car as he and Steve were in the process of stealing Falcon gear from a military unit.

"Why can't I help with the plan?" Amie asked Nat, who sat with her in the back of the car as they waited for the other half of their team to return. The teen wanted to be useful, but the only way that could happen is if she used her abilities. Steve didn't want her to overuse her powers to the point where she couldn't control them.

"You are. You're watching the car." Nat shrugged. Amie sent the redhead a look, which the women returned with en empathetic one.

"The car can watch itself." Amelie said, "I can do more than just sit and wait."

Nat sighed, running a hand through her shoulder length locks, "There's nothing really for you to do right now. Steve went with Sam to go get his Falcon gear, and then we're going to find Sitwell."

"I can find him." Amelie offered, "I can track-"

"No." Nat shook her head immediately, "Last time you really hurt yourself. We all need to be saving our strength in case something big happens."

Balling her hands into the long sleeves of a sweatshirt she had borrowed from Sam, Amie fidgeted in the backseat. She hated feeling useless when she knew she could be doing something. Especially when it meant they could stop Hydra once and for all.

"Nat." Amie said quietly, "I can do something to help. Hydra is dangerous, I know that, but there is chance that if we lose... I could be going back there. For good. That can't happen. If I can be doing something to help, I want to do it. No matter the risks."

Her hands started to shake again in her lap, biting her lip as a lump rose in her throat. Just thinking about going back made her uneasy. Amie wanted to help. She had these powers- the least she could do was use them for good.

"I know you're scared." Nat nodded, "We all are. I understand your situation... and if I were in your shoes... I'd want to do something too."

"What can I do?" Amelie asked.

"When we locate Sitwell, you're going to go with Sam. Keep yourselves covered. If you sense danger, or pick up something, that's when we know to retreat." Natasha explained, "Steve might not like it, but I think it's better than sitting in the car."

Amie smiled, "Me too."

"I have eyes on Sitwell." Sam said, taking a sip of coffee in a hidden corner of an outdoor cafe. He and Amie were seated at a table, hidden by overgrown shrubbery. The teen was glancing around her, trying to sense any trouble. She was able to hide their communication frequency from detection, keeping their plan safe from Hydra's prying ears.

"Good." Steve said, "Amie?"

"Everything is clear so far." Amie said, "No one is around."

"Let's move on to the next step. Sam, call Sitwell."

Sam nodded to the teen, picking up a burner phone from the table to make a phone call.

"Ready when you are, kid." The Falcon said, dialing the number of Jasper Sitwell's cellphone. He put the phone to his ear, and immediately their line was now secluded. If Hydra was trying to listen, they couldn't. Amelie had taken the frequency and hidden it, similar to how she was able to keep her and Steve hidden in plain sight.

Blocking out frequencies was beginning to feel like child's play to Amelie compared to the past few days. She felt an endurance building to how long she could go with her powers without burning herself out. However, it had to be the only thing she could focus on. The girl sat with her hood up, her gaze turned downwards to hide the purple coloring of her irises.

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