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Toby: Ben get uppppp

Ben: no

Toby: I will throw your video games into le lake!

Ben: nuuuuu *yawns*

Toby: wake up lazy lass

Ben: I'm comfortable where I am

Toby: we literally fell down stairs and now you laying on my lap? How could you possibly feel comfortable!

Ben: I just an now shush I'm trying to sleep

Toby: *pokes ben*

Ben: staph

Toby: your such a child *pokes again*

Ben: poke me again and see what happens!

Toby: I mean, I kinda wanna know what happens soooo *pokes*

Ben: I'ma throw your waffles in the lake

Toby: I could always buy more ._.

Ben: so your saying you wouldn't care I just got a new fresh waffle and stepped on it?

Toby: *nods*

Ben:*grabs a waffle and steps on it* DIIIEEEE!!!

toby: your a monster ben.

Ben: I know *sleeping in Toby's lap now*

Toby: -_- m o n s t e r

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