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*Ben reading smutty books of ticcimask*

Ben: holy shit *nosebleed*

Toby: Benny boy, you ok?

Ben: yuz, better than ever :'D

Toby: um ok......

*Masky enters the game room with Jeff*


Jeff: oh no, Ben don't start.

Toby: *takes bens phone away and sees pic of smut ticcimask and throws phone* OH MY FREAKIN ZALGO, GOD NO! AHAHAHHAHA I NEED TO BLEACH MY EYES AND ERASE MY MEMORY!!!

Jeff: *faceplams* I told you elf....

Masky: what was that about *picks up bens phone and sees what toby has wittnessed* oh God....*nosebleeds*

Ben: shut up I think it's hawt ;3

Masky and Jeff: same...

Toby: *runs back into the room* NO BURN IT, BURN THAT SHIT!! THIS ISNT HOT, WHAT WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?!!

ben: i mean we are serial killers
......Jeff, put them in a closet together....

Jeff: with pleasure.

___later in le closet_____




Toby: *screams* I NEED BLEACH!!!!!

masky: EAR RAPE!!!

Toby: you are rape bitch

Masky: fuck off you got us into this

Toby: how tf.... whatever

Masky: I'll kill you after this

Toby: ya can't kill what's already dead stupid

Masky: you aren't dead!!!

Toby: I'm dead inside -_-

Masky: you been dead inside

Toby: cause if you *gets hatchet and breaks closet door* OH BENNNNY BOY~

ben: HOLY SHIT!! *Runs ultra speed*

Toby: YoU cAn RuN bUt yOu CaNt HiDe~!!!!

Masky and Jeff: he's fucked.......

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