"One what? A nickname? Thats not even a decent nickname," I whine, slightly smiling.

"You'll learn to love it," She says, still smiling.

"I guess we're on nickname basis now."

"I guess so."

"I think I'm starting to like it."

She looks at me, dark locks tucked behind her ear. "I knew you would."

I like it more than I thought.


"Tell me why we have to meet up with Ding and Dong, again?" Watson asks, earning a glare from Blake.

I chuckle at the nicknames for Blair and Nat, earning a glare from Blake as well.

"Because they said so," Blake grumbles.

Watson groans. "If I wanted to spend free period listening to whining, I would've gone to a daycare."

Blake goes to retort but Blair and Nat spot us from the library entrance. Blake jumps up as Nat runs into his arms, her straight espresso locks, brushing his cheeks.

Blair rolls her eyes, turning to me. "Lovebirds. Makes me sick."

I chuckle, ruffling her curls. "Tell me about it."

"Tell me about it," Watson imitates in a squeaky voice, then scoffs. "Oh, please."

Blair raises her eyebrows, then sits in the chair beside me. "Hi, Watson."

"Hi, Blair!" He chirps over enthusiastically.

She giggles, pulling out her pink music notebook. "We haven't written lyrics in a while. I thought we could pull some inspiration from our friends."

"Friends?" Watson asks, scrunching his nose.

Blair scoffs, ignoring the comment.

I look around the table, analyzing my friends. How am I supposed to pull inspiration from a self obsessed model, flipping through a magazine of himself, or a couple cuddled up reading the school paper?

I don't want to write a love song about Blair. Thats just weird.

Blair breaks me from my reverie and points to the pair. "Thats the new paper she wrote. She was gonna do some boring column about the new girl, but who cares about a new person? I finally convinced her to scrap it. I just care too much about her reputation as a writer, you know?"

I shrug, glancing at the paper. "I don't know, maybe me."

Blair pinches my cheeks, giggling. "Of course you would."

Watson leans forward. "I would've read it for sure. That girl is hot a-"

Blair screeches. "Will you stop being a perv?!"

My faces scrunches up as my ears ring with pain. Poor Blair has no idea how loud she is.

Watson imitates her again, making a pouty face. "Will you stop being annoying?!"

"OK, OK. Stop it guys," I say, starting to feel bad for Blair.

I mean, she was annoying but she wasn't that bad.

Blair just grabs her pencil and starts writing stuff down in her book, all while humming an unfamiliar tune.

My stomach churns with unease as that song gives me all the wrong feels.

It's weird.

I hope she doesn't plan for that to be our opening song.


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