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jeon jeongguk added you in messenger

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jeon jeongguk:
are you a pirate? cause i've got a lot of semen waiting for you.
sent 2:00 pm

kim taehyung:
the exit is right there thank you.
sent 2:01 pm

jeon jeongguk:
aw you no fun, babe.
sent 2:01 pm

kim taehyung:
i ain't your babe.
sent 2:02 pm

jeon jeongguk:
:( my you're hurting my ego and my dick.

i just wanna talk :(
sent 2:02 pm

kim taehyung:
can you not?

if you want to talk, then please
act like a civilized normal person :)
without any dirty talks.
sent 2:02 pm

jeon jeongguk:
so if i'll talk like a “civilized normal person” you will talk to me?
sent 2:04 pm

kim taehyung
it depends.
sent 2:04 pm

jeon jeongguk:
see, anyway where do you live?
sent 2:05 pm

kim taehyung:
in my house :)
sent 2:07 pm

jeon jeongguk:
nice i live there too in my house.

so how old are you?
sent 2:07 pm

kim taehyung:
older than your siblings.
sent 2:10 pm

jeon jeongguk:
i don't have any siblings babe ;(
sent 2:10 pm

kim taehyung:

i said i'm not your babe, stop calling me that.
sent 2:11 pm

jeon jeongguk:
so do you want to go on a ate?
sent 2:11 pm

kim taehyung:
you mean date?
sent 2:11 pm

jeon jeongguk:
i'll give you the d later ;)
sent 2:11 pm

kim taehyung:
:) bye fuckboy.
sent 2:11 pm

jeon jeongguk:
:( i'm just kidding







hey i just met you and my dick is crazy

and craving for some awesome tight hole.

(๑•́ -•̀)
/( (")(")
bunny is sad.
sent 2:12 pm

kim taehyung:
you're bored aren't you? oh wait that's a stupid question!

fuck off.
sent 2:15 pm

jeon jeongguk:
finally you replied
thought you were dead, so will you go a ate with me?
sent 2:15 pm

kim taehyung:
no thanks i rather finger myself.
sent 2:16 pm

jeon jeongguk:
damn then would you send a vid for daddy? ;)
sent 2:16 pm

kim taehyung:

kim taehyung:

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sent 2:17 pm

A/N: the sent time isn't important. i just added it to look uh.. nice? idk lmao.

+ follow me on my ig! andi.fied

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