Chapter 1

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Yoongi looks at his reflection through his thin and long eyes. Fur as dark as midnight sky, shiny and soft, almost begging to be touched, an exquisite nose that his man-servant kisses all day, and those toe beans that are just so pink and squishy and cut- Oh no not the C word, Yoongi quickly held his thoughts right there. Yoongi tried again, yes, Yoongi found the right word, magnificent. Magnificent toe beans sounds about right.

Yoongi strutted back and forth in front of the mirror, his eyes gleaming proudly. Surely, there is no other being as outstanding as he is.

Then his tail smacks the carpet with a soft thud. "So why?" He wonders. "Why does the man servant return home smelling like a hundred different other dogs and with a big smile on his face as if he had more fun with them than cuddling with Outstanding Yoongi at home?"

Yoongi has a mystery to solve.

- A/ N -

Q: What animal and breed do you think Yoongi is?

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