Chapter 9: Deception and Submission( The Avengers)

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(Y/N) sat at the table surrounded by what seemed to be the worlds last hope. They were all watching Loki converse with Director Fury. Loki was a special case to say the least. He spoke about the human race as if it were some wretched mistake. Or maybe a piece of gum on the universe's shoes that won't come off. It was really aggravating.

"He really grows on you doesn't he ?," Bruce said cheekily.

"Loki's going to drag this out so...Thor what's his play ?," Cap asked Thor completely ignoring Bruce's attempt at a joke.

(Y/N) looked to Thor in a suspicious manner. This man was Loki's brother. Who said he wasn't siding with Loki and toying with them ? It was plausible. (Y/N) just had to be wary around Thor. As well as Bruce since he just finished reading his files. Anything could tick this man off.

"He has an army called the Chitauri... They are not of Asgard nor any world known...He means to lead them against your people... They will win him the earth in return i suspect for the tesseract."

As Thor said this everyone listened with the tension looming over them. Loki had an alien army ready to take over the earth. In exchange for one of the worlds most dangerous items. As he thought more on this (Y/N) knew that people were going to die in this scenario. The question is how many ?

As the rest of the team talked, (Y/N) was deep in thought. Loki had to be planning something. His ace but what was it ? Tony then slammed a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder causing him to jump.

"Something on your mind junior ?"

"Huh oh yeah's nothing."

"Alright...well me and Dr jekyl are going to study the staff want to partake ?"

"...There's some things i have to do first."

"Well this is a surprise."

Loki sat in his cell with a smile on his face looking directly into (Y/N)'s eyes. However Loki didn't intimidate (Y/N) not one bit...or at least not alot. (Y/N) knew he had an advantage though. That's what he was here for.

"Well i tend to do that nowadays," (Y/N) responded. Loki scoffed and stood up now engaging in the conversation.

"So i've heard," Loki said. (Y/N) blinked for a minute.

"So you've heard...from who ?," (Y/N) asked.

"Well contrary to what those believe Thor isn't all that mysterious on Asgard."

"So what your saying is Thor told everyone about me lifting his hammer ?," (Y/N) concluded.

"My your good,"Loki chuckled.

(Y/N) smiled. This is how it started. For minutes the two had a conversation on anything they could think of. It was the beginning of a true friendship.

"By the way i met your lady friend minutes before," Loki said. "She is something else."

"Yes she is...that's why i love her."

(Y/N) smiled to himself while Loki noticed something. He noticed (Y/N)'s weakness. Family and friends. How pathetic it was. Yet so relatable. Then it hit him. Thanos long before this elaborate plan told Loki that his son shouldn't be harmed. Only when necessary. He could keep him down here away from the fiasco that is to happen.

Suddenly an explosion rocked the ship. (Y/N) stood up with determination on his face. Loki however looked a little prideful. Yet a little fear in his eyes. If he disobeyed or even failed Thanos. That thought made him shutter.

"We'll talk later Loki i've got a job to do."

As (Y/N) turned around Loki began to speak.

"Don't you want to here the truth about your father ?," Loki uttered.

"I already know enough about my dad okay ?"

"No...i mean your real father Stark."

(Y/N) froze. All his life he wondered about his father. To this day he still did. Who was he ? Where was he ? Was he the cause if his powers ? Was he alive ?

"....what do you mean ?," (Y/N) pressed.

"Your father. The man who sent me here," Loki said.


Fury voice screamed from his earpiece. They were in trouble. Faintly, he heard a roar. It was Banner. They needed asssitance and they needed it now. However, before (Y/N) could even move Loki was pressed against the glass staring into his soul.

"You know as well as i do that your father isn't of this world. He's the shadow of it. The dictator. The survivor. The mass murderer. The Mad Titan!!"

(Y/N) again was drilled to the core. This was not good. What would the others think ? His father being the main one behind this.


(Y/N) slowly moved to the door. He looked back at Loki to see him grinning like a mad man. Though (Y/N) saw through that. It was a mask to hide pain and torture. He knew more than likely his father was the man who tortured him.

He ran out the door as fast as he could. Agents who were helping out had to blink twice at how fast he was running. He finally made it to the main room where all the compiters and conferences were.

There was a shoot out. Bodies laid on the ground, lifeless. Others sat perched in the corner holding their arms or sides. Wincing or crying from the pain. The culprits or Loki's lackeys were firing crazy.

(Y/N) jumped into the air and landed right on one and drilled his fists into his face. Knocking him out cold. Then, a couple minions shot at (Y/N) from behind. The bullets bounced off of (Y/N) as if they were rubber balls.

Thinking fast (Y/N) pulled out a throwing knife from his pocket and it landed straight into a minions throat. While bullets still bounced off of him (Y/N) grabbed the knife from the minions throat and ran to another minion. The minion shook in his boots as he slashed his throat. At the entrance two minions came with Ak's. Pointing them at Maria they fired.

However (Y/N) stepped in front of her shielding her from the bullets. Once the minions ran out of ammo he had to think quick before they reloaded. He saw one of their helmets splayed on the ground. (Y/N) ran towards it and kicked the helmet.

The helmet flew straight into the minions head killing him. The minions body flayed around as his trigger finger pulled the Ak fired at his right side. Which happened to be where the second minion was. Both bodies fell to the ground, dead. Taking a deep breath (Y/N) turned around to see evertone staring at him.

"So...what'd i miss ?"

The One Where We Win (Male Reader x Marvel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ