Chapter 7: Candidate (The Avengers)

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(Y/N)=Your Name (L/N)=Last Name.
(F/C)= Fav Color

______________________________________(Y/N) was sitting on the couch after finishing his daily workout,resting. It's been a couple of months after he was shown the vision and after you and Natasha's first time in bed. The two of you talked it out and decided that Natasha would help a little at finding multiple suitors. The main question was would they be willing to share.

(Y/N) sat bored as he switched through the channels. No new missions. No new shows. No new nothing. It was boring.

He couldn't just go out and race a car or go to a movie premiere. He was a Stark. He already did those things. It was getting old now.

(Y/N)'s phone then buzzed from next to him. He instantly grabbed it and checked to see who was calling. Only to be disappointed to see the SHEILD logo. Natasha has been on a mission for a couple of days and he received no call or message from her at all. He understood the situation but he couldn't help but be on the edge of his seat. Sighing he answered the phone.

"Hello ?"
"Agent Stark your presence is needed."
"Coulson ?...why is is it something with Natasha ?"
"No she's fine...i just got off the phone with her a minute ago...we'll pick you up at 10 am tommorow."

Just like that the call ended. This must be something serious if it involves the helicarriers. Question is what is it ?

(Y/N) sat in his seat frozen solid. Why ? To put it simply he was nervous. THE Captain America was in the same airplane as him and Coulson. It didn't take Coulson long to converse with Captain Rogers but it turned into an awkward and funny conversation. (Y/N) just couldn't believe it. He read so many stories, comics, documentaries on this one man who inspired him. It was insane to see him right there. Steve must've felt too awkward around Coulson as he turned towards (Y/N).

"Good afternoon Mr. Stark."

'That's my cue' (Y/N) thought. He stood up albeit hesitantly.

"Good evening Cap i mean Rogers...Shit i mean...Sir."

Coulson gave (Y/N) a look that held immense irritation while Steve just smiled.

"Don't be nervous Stark."

"Please call me (Y/N)"

He stuck out his hand and (Y/N) shook it. 'I'm shaking hands with my history project', he thought.

"So i read your file, you think you could help us out with this loki business ?"

"Well i'll do the best i can i mean i don't really know what's going on," (Y/N) answered.

Steve turned towards Coulson with an exasperated look. Coulson gave Steve a sheepish response in return. Ultimately, (Y/N) was debriefed on his status and his mission. He was ready but couldn't help and be nervous. The entire world on his shoulders ? That was a big step from the rookie jobs he had.

The jet landed and they stepped off. Immediately, (Y/N) noticed Natasha. He walked toward her and hugged as she swiftly hugged back. Natasha pecked his cheek smiled and walked towards Steve with (Y/N) following.

"Agent Romanoff...Captain Rogers," Coulson presented albeit a little giddy.

"Hi," Natasha said to Steve.
"Ma'm," he nodded.

" They need you on the bridge they're starting the face trace."

Nodding, Coulson walked away. However while he was walking he had to force himself to walk. Natasha smirked while (Y/N) snickered a bit. The three walked forward aimlessly wandering the Helicarrier.

"Quite the buzz around here finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon,"Natasha said to Steve.

"Did he tell you about his Captain America trading cards yet ?"

"Trading Cards ?"

"They're Vintage too," (Y/N) responded.

Bruce Banner was stumbling around looking like a fish out of water. Turning his head and tripping on his feet.

"Dr. Banner," Steve called out. Bruce turned around startled before realizing who was talking to him.

"Oh yeah they told me you would be coming," the two shook hands Steve's hand being larger than Bruce's.

"Word is you could find the cube."
"Is that the only word on me ?" Bruce asked.

"Only word i care about," Steve responded. Bruce nodded knowing what the war hero was going to say.

While they were conversing Natasha and (Y/N) were having a small reunion.

"No call ?" (Y/N) started.
"I couldn't jeopardize the assignment. I'm Sorry i'll...make it up to you some how."

"I was just worried," (Y/N) said.

"How do you think i felt when you went to New Mexico ?" Natasha asked. She had a point. Natasha then walked over to the two gentlemen and spoke with them but (Y/N) was paying attention.

That vision has been in his mind for months. He tried to find the hammer again but it didn't come up. Investigating on the matter was no use. Even training was hard for him since the last time he trained with someone they were sent to the hospital for two weeks.

He couldn't think mlre on the matter since the Helicarrier lifted into the sky. Seeing Cap and Banners reactions were worth the wait but ultimately didn't need a second thought on the matter.


(Y/N) stepped into the main room watching as workers sat typing away or looking at each others computer. Either or they meant serious business.
Looking on the screens he felt eyes on him. Turning his head sharply he met the eyes of Agent Maria Hill. (Y/N) didn't know what to do. Neither did she. (Y/N) decided to wave at her a bit and she turned away a hint of red on her cheeks. Though she did look at him from the corner of her eye. One thought was on (Y/N)'s mind after the encounter.

'Did i just find a new candidate ?'

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