Chapter 1 (Iron Man 2)

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(Y/n) opened his eyes panting slightly as he had just witnessed the nightmare play before him again. Confused by his surroundings he was about to start blasting. Until he realized he was on a helicopter. A Stark industries helicopter to be exact.

After (Y/N) was dropped off at the Stark house, Tony was convinced that he was his biological son as he was ( and still is ) sleeping with tons of women. Tony however contacted most of the women he slept with and they all said they didn't have his kid. Either they were lying or he was drunk when it happened. Tony then raised him and when Pepper was hired she took on the motherly role.

(Y/N) hid his abilities from his parents as soon as he found out about them . He was ten and running from some bullies at incredible speed (like Cap) but he ran into an alleyway. When the bully tried to punch him he dodged and punched back sending the kid flying. He won't forget when Pepper laid into him while Tony just smiled and clapped his back claiming 'My son can kick a bullys ass anyday'. Dad was always the laid back type while Pepper was the uptight one. He loved them both obviously.

Then he got into Midtown high and graduated early being called the 'God of geniuses' and while he was there he took on ROTC. After the early graduation he left to go train at bootcamp and even exceeded their expectations. Maybe he used his powers a bit but the past is the past.

(Y/n) was eventually noticed by the director of SHEILD and was recruited. That was a whole different ball game compared to training. Stark became an agent in a short amount of time due to his 'inhumane skill factor'. Yes they already knew about his powers what else don't they know ?

Since they knew of his powers (Y/n) was only brought on missions if they absolutely needed him. Seeing the others celebrate talking about missions while he sat in the shadows. That was when (Y/n) was told by director Fury about the Avengers initiative. (Y/n) eagerly joined not wanting to miss this opportunity. However, he saw that in a span of days Tony went from missing to giving up weapons and finally becoming a 'superhero'. (Y/n) just had to talk to him. Now he was here, sitting on a jet set to  Tony's malibu home.

After the jet landing and the ride home, (Y/n) entered the doors of his child hood home. However no one was around. Then he heard grunting coming from a room. 'Oh god no' thought (Y/n). Briskly walking to the door he finally understood what those grunts were. It was a fight. (Y/n) walked through the doors but seemingly went unnoticed by everypne as they were watching Happy getting taken down by a redhead.

After Happy was body slammed and Pepper screaming "Oh my god !" (Y/n) couldn't hold his laughter in causing the dour to turn towards him.
"Junior!" Screamed Tony excitedly
"(Y/n)!" Pepper shouted in surprise before briskly walking to (Y/n) and hugging him. Tony then gave him a fatherly hug after Pepper let go. Happy went to (Y/n) and gave him a huge sweaty one, causing (Y/N) to cringe slightly.

"Good to see you (Y/N)", said Happy
"It's good to be back", (Y/N) stated.

(Y/N) looked around him for a bit before turning back to the trio.
"Hey dad ?"
"Whats the boxing ring for ?"
"We are actually having a guest notary around while Happy gives boxing lessons"
"Oh really i thought that since you could be Iron Man you could be Rocky too."
"So what i get to run around snowy forests and climb mountains ?" Tony snarked.

"No so you could get old and teach the  young how to chase a chicken" (Y/N) said.

A soft voice cleared their throat behind (Y/N) causing him to turn around. His (E/C) eyes met beautiful green orbs. Curly red hair cascaded down her back. She wore a white button up with black business pants. This woman was strickingly beautiful. However, as (Y/N) looked closer he realized that this woman was the Black Widow.
"Uh (Y/N) are we good over there ?",Tony asked his son.

"....Yeah it's..nevermind dad who is this ?"
"That is Ms. Natalie Rushman and she is going to be Peppers new secretary", Tony answered.

"Nice to meet you", Natasha or should he say Natalie stated.Natalie stuck out her hand and (Y/N) shook it

"Likewise", he replied. "I just saw you take down my babysitter good job on that".

"Thank you", Natalie said as she smiled. Then a thought came to him.

"Hey do you wanna go a round ?"(Y/N)  asked 

"(Y/N) i don't think that's a good idea", Pepper stated.
"No it's alright Ms Potts...When do we start ?"

"Right now if you'd like,"(Y/N) answered.
"Alright then", Natalie announced.

They both stepped into the ring and got into their fighting positions. (Y/N) couldn't help but be nervous since he was about to spar with THE black widow. He was at SHEILD how did he not know about her ? They circled each other as the tension thickened. That is until out of no where Natalie decided to bum rush him. (Y/n) tried to kick her but she slid under his leg twirled up and suddenly was behind him.

Before (Y/N) could react she kicked the back of his knee, causing him to drop to one knee. Natalie then threw a kick at his head however he caught it and threw Natalie over his shoulder. 

However before he could celebrate she bounces back up and throws a punch at his stomach. (Y/N) caught the punch but that didn't stop Natalie as she threw a kick at his head. (Y/n) skid across the ring before stopping himself and jumping back up.
"You're pulling your punches", Natalie casually said.
"So are you" (Y/N) replied smiling.
Natalie smiled before walking up to (Y/N) shaking his hand and walked over to Tony.
"I just need your impression",Natalie said.
"You have quite reserved i don't know -"
"She meant your fingerprints dumbass" (Y/N) loudly stated. "Besides i didn't know you were signing over the company."
"Yeah i'm signing it over to Pepper"

(Y/N) gained a shocked look. It then morphed into a smile as he congratulated his surrogate mother. As he congratulated her he saw the Black widow walking away. As Tony and Pepper argued with each other about 'wanting one', Natasha looked back at (Y/N) and gave a saucy smirk before finally leaving. (Y/N) smiled to himself already thinking about his encounter with the mysterious Natasha Romanoff.

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