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Robin pov

The big secret, who was Robin, that was what the team always wanted to know, it was what they talked about at the cave when I was around. But I couldn't tell them, even if I wanted to, Bruce wouldn't allow it, not even a second thought would cross through his mind about it. Each time I brought the matter up, he dismissed it with a few words and walked off. Sometimes I felt like Superboy when he walked away, other times, I felt like lashing out at him but I always managed to keep my cool. That was till he announced that I was going to lead the team in taking down the one who hired the crime boss who sent my parents to their death. Ultimus, aka Kevin Edward, he hired Tony Zucco and afterwards, Tony was killed, but we had no idea who did it till we discovered a new villain on the rise, Kevin. I guess some could say that I wasn't looking forward to what was coming, the team would notice the major difference in command and how much more personal I take the mission, I'll have to take Wally in alone to engage Kevin. Sighing, I walk into the Batcave to see Bruce standing by the zeta tube, he had been waiting for sometime by the looks of things and well, I couldn't say that I was that excited, but Kevin must pay for the crime and pain he has caused me. "Ready to lead a team Robin" Sighing, I nod and follow Bruce in.

Artemis pov

To say that we were obsessed with who Robin is may be true, but the team just wanted to be trusted by him. We felt that he didn't trust us enough to reveal his identity to us. But he does work under Batman and that ma have something to do with it. But we had walked into the main chamber we're to meet up with the Boy Wonder and Batman. "Recognised Batman 0-2, Robin B-0-1" To say that they came almost immediately and the expression Robin had spread across his face. Meant that this mission was important personal to Robin. "Team, your new mission will not be under Aqualad's command" Wait, Aqualad wasn't leading, then this mission was definitely personal for Robin if Batman was announcing this. "This mission will be headed by Robin" Batman then waited for one of us to speak out but no one did, much to everyone's "surprise". "The mission will be to apprehend and detain the criminal mastermind Ultimus, aka Kevin Edward" Batman pulls up an image of the person, He wore grey pants, had two brown pistol holders on either side of his legs, he wore a blue shirt with a grey sleeveless jacket over the top with no zip. He wore orange body armour over his arms below the elbow and had black gloves, he had wrist blasters and had a hat much like you would find on a ninja sensei. He had black hair and green eyes. Another image of him, around the age of 7 or so was brought up, he appeared to be in the same uniform as the Flying Graysons but with different colours. His black hair was longer then then it was now. "Kevin Edward is a cunning and smart foe, he will attempt to separate you and take you out one by one." With a nod from all of us, I watch as Robin heads to the zeta tube and starts imputing coordinates. Walking over, we wait and eye him as he types fast, after sometime, he stops and speaks. "Ok, when we exit, we will need to be ready for anything, Kevin may already know where the zeta tube is and will attack us when he gets the chance" Nodding, we head in.

Robin pov

Nothing, he wasn't at the zeta tube when we exited, I guess this was a good thing considering that we didn't need to have a fight on our hands as soon as we came out of the tube. Looking around, I spy someone standing on the roof and look closer before I speak. "Superboy, can you get a better look at who that is" When the figure runs, I sigh and speak. "After that person" Grappling up, the team comes up after me, seeing the colour on him, we come to a stop atop a building and watch as several assassins land around us. Noticing Kevin standing tall, he smirks and motions for the assassins to attack us. As I dodge an assassin, I spy as Artemis speaks and starts to run after him. "I'm in pursuit" Sighing, I look at the team and speak. "Do not follow, I'll go after her, keep the assassins at bay" Kicking the assassin away from me, I run after Artemis.

Artemis pov

As I approached a warehouse, I creaked the door before I heard someone step behind me, turning around fast, I sigh as Robin walks over. "Artemis, did you forget that Kevin will attempt to separate us in order to take us down" Nodding, I look back at the warehouse. Robin takes a deep breath before he walks in, I followed afterwards.

Once inside, I watch as Robin steps out to the center. "Come out Kevin, I know your here, you can't escape from us forever" I hear laughter as I spy a figure throw something towards Robin, Robin notices too late and is struck in the left shoulder before a reply is heard. "Ah, Boy Wonder, oh how much I've wanted to torture you, and you brought a friend, what luck for me that she can watch as I torture you and break down into your deepest, darkest secrets that the Bat won't let you tell" Wait, does he know Robin's identity, and if so, then Batman won't let Robin reveal his own identity. "Kevin, you know that doing things like this will only end you up in deeper trouble" I walk closer to Robin as another object is thrown and strikes Robin in the left leg. Running over, I pull out my bow and fire at the location I last saw Kevin. "How pathetic, your friend can't see me in the dark, even with my bright colours, no matter, I have no problem with her, but you my dear Robin, you are the problem, always at the right place at the wrong time, always stopping crimes with the Bat, if I were you, I would stop right now, it's not going to get you anything good out of it, only pain and suffering by my hands" I watch as Robin moves to grab a birdarang before he's struck again by another object. "Show yourself coward" I yelled. It may not have been the best possible course of action but it was the best I could do. "Oh Artemis, your father would be so disappointed in what you've become, a hero, what a waste of talent" Oh shit, he knew who I was, how, he must be a great detective if he knows these things. I soon watch as he walks out and smirks. He then walks forward before he pulls a sword from his back. "He has a sword, that wasn't in the briefing that he had other weapons" Robin manages to speak behind the pain he was going through. "Well, that image was old and we hadn't had any new info apart from the fact that he was here in Blud'haven" I watch as Kevin then takes a charge, I pull back an arrow only for him to slice my bow in half, I fall back to a crate as Kevin takes a swing at Robin, I watch as it barely connects with him before he steps back and speaks. "I hope you've had fun so far Robin, but I'm not done with you" I watch as he puts his sword back on his back and pulls out two knifes before he stabs Robin several times along the body. In none fatal places too which makes me worry, it makes me worry a lot more then it should. Looking on, I gather the strength to run forward and kick Kevin from behind, he stumbles back before he speaks. "Well, it seems you still have a lot of fight left in you Artemis Crock, but I have other things to attend to right now then focus on you and Boy Wonder" He pauses as he turns to face Robin and then speaks. "See you around Dick" With that, he kicks Robin and flies off. Running over to him, I flip him over and speak. "Robin, are you really Dick" With a nod, he sighs and replies. "Yes, but you can't tell anyone, or Batman will have my head on a plate" I help up Robin and we walk out, Robin leaning on me for support. As we exit the warehouse, we spy the rest of the team arrive and run over to help us. "Did Kevin get away" "yes, but Robin need's medical attention now" When the team nods. I continue to support Robin back to the cave....

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