Imagine #182

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Ross Imagine

Ross Lynch...has kinda stalked you on Instagram. Like you stalk him. You went to one of his concerts and you seemed to catch his eye for some reason. He wanted to see you again ever since that day and he managed to find your Instagram account. Since you were public he was able to track your every move without following you. He found out you were going to Six Flags today and he was able to catch a flight to your town. Because he was famous, he was able to dress up as Bugs Bunny and go to a meet and greet....
"We should take a picture with Bugs Bunny!" your little sister exclaims and points to a Bunny taking a selfie with a 13ish year old girl. "Fine, lets go," you give in and your sister squeals. You wait in line to meet him....
"She's in line!" Ross thought as he looked over at the line of people waiting to meet "Bugs Bunny". He clutches onto a slip of paper in his hand a little tighter as he heart rate speeds up. "She's even more beautiful close up!" he thinks and smiles to himself...
Soon it's your turn to meet Bugs. Your sister runs up to him and gives him a huge hug. He hugs her back and holds out his arms to give you a hug. You embrace him and you don't notice him slipping a slip of paper into the back pack you're wearing. You pull back and take a picture with him. You bid your goodbyes and then walk away....
You stare at the paper that had Ross's number on it after you return from the park that night. So many questions filled your mind. Is it the real Ross Lynch? What's he doing in my hometown? Should I call him? Why ME of all people? You decide to plug in his number and hopefully have him answer all your questions.

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