Imagine #115

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Ross Imagine

You're watching TV when you hear the front door close. Ross appears in the doorway. His face is tear streaked. "Ross, what's wrong?" you ask him. He walks over to you and sits beside you on the couch. He lays his head on your shoulder and cries softly. "Skanswixnekska," he murmurs, in between sobs. "Ross, I don't understand you," you tell him. You kiss his cheek as you wipe away some of his tears. He sits up and faces you. "Asshsbsonawnso," he mumbles and begins sobbing again. "Sweetie, I can't tell what you're saying," you say calmly to him. You hand him a tissue and he blows his nose. He finishes crying and then says, "Rocky took my stuffed pig you gave to me on my birthday from me!" You face palm. (😂)

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