Imagine #113

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Rocky Imagine

"Are you seriously going on this ride?!" you ask, looking up at a fairly new ride. "Yes! Ross and Riker are going with me!" Rocky says, jumping up and down. "You guys are going to die!" you say and to him. "I agree!" Rydel says high-fiving you. "We won't die! See? Watch these people!" You watch 3 people strapped up. They're on their backs and a rope carries them backwards to a high level. Then the rope swings at a terrifying speed to the opposite side, sending the people flying. They looked like Superman flying through the air. "But-" you begin but Rocky interrupts. "No, it will not brake down in the middle of the ride!" Rocky finishes for you and you cross your arms. Rocky is ushered to the long line for the ride. "Let them die!" Ratliff says. You and Rydel giggle as Ratliff gets prepared to tape them on the ride. Soon they are on the ride and you hide your face behind your hands. "I can't watch this!" you say. "I won't die!" Rocky yells towards you. He saw you hide your face. You put your hands in your pockets. "Yes you will!" Rocky is swung back and forth on the ride. He gets off, announcing he feels sick and you take him to the bathroom. When he comes out you say, "I told you, you would die!"

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