Day 3, Wednesday at school

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Franks POV:
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't breathe, too much anxiety. I didn't know what to say, at least I could say 'hi', no that's too girly. Maybe 'hello'. Nah, I would sound too straight. Anyway, I ignored him. He kissed me and I ignored him? Ugh Frank you're so stupid. You don't deserve to live. You have to die, no one needs you.

I tried to ignore my mind and walked to the bus. A few old friends of me were sitting in the back.
"Hi Faggot Iero! How was your date yesterday?"
My heart was beating faster than usual, my breath was colder than most of the time. How did they know about Gerard and me?
"You know exactly what I'm talking about you gay whore."
My breath. I couldn't talk anymore.
"Gerard has fucked every girl in New Jersey. Don't be surprised if he breaks up after few days." Bob said.
"I don't hav-"
"We saw everything on twitter. The whole school has."
What? Did Gerard post on twitter we've kissed? He's a jerk!

I could breathe again.

"What did Gerard say on Twitter?" I asked.
"He said nothing, Lindsey said he broke up with her for an 'emo faggot' everyone immediately knew it was you."

Gerard said something about his girlfriend, but I didn't know he would break up with her.

They started to laugh at me. It was okay. I am used to it.

I walked to the front of the bus, and began to think about everything. Gerard hates me, my dad hates me. I have no friends. What's the point of this? I'm a mess.

At school:
Today I only have French and PE. Luckily because I don't like long school days.

I walked through the hallway, all eyes on me. Everyone laughed. Some people were whispering. I wondered where Gerard could be. Maybe they have beat him up?

I need to talk to Lindsey, now.

21 minutes later:
A few preppy girls were standing in the back of the cafe. I walked towards them, they all started to laugh. Except one. She was the tallest, the prettiest, the thinnest. That's probably Lindsey.
"Hi, Frangot." The blond one said. The others laughed. But Lindsey still had a poker face.
"What are you doing here, you suicidal slut." Lindsey said.
That actually hurt me.
"What the fuck did you post on twitter? This is not funny!"
"So you steal my boyfriend and you don't expect a payback?"
"I didn't steal your boyfriend you stupid whore!"
I said that really loud. Lindsey was shocked and everyone looked at me. It got silent, and suddenly Lindsey began to cry. Her friends comforted her, and I just walked away. I was so mad.

So fucking mad.

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