Chapter 20

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"Having my baby.  ‎I'm a woman in love and  I love what's goin'
through me."
    ‎               -Paul Anka

The following week was business as usual. The couple reported back to office as EVP and ES. Nothing had changed in the routine except this time there were more displays of affection. 

The EVP  would always take every opportunity to kiss his wife: when he went out or came back to his office. More often he would do it intentionally to tease his wife. Or when they were both needed to attend the meetings, his hand were on her shoulders possessively.

As time went by, everyone was used to seeing the romantic couple. They never minded because their office organization was smooth sailing, efficient and thriving.

Suddenly, news circulated that the couple went on a month leave due to medical reasons. It was vague to them who was sick, the husband, the wife or their daughter.

Only one person knew the story,  Lorrie the best friend and who's acting as ES. But, she was mum about the truth, not for fear of losing her job but compassion for Chelsea.

Two days prior the leave of absence,  Chelsea felt faint. Trey was on a meeting. "Have you eaten your breakfast?" Lorrie asked.

"Yes, but I threw up the whole bunch just now."

 "Hmm, how about your monthly period?"

Chelsea looked at her friend. "Do you think I'm pregnant?" Then she smiled, "I missed my period two months now."

"Trey would be delighted. I'm sure of that."

"And Agie. But, let's not tell Trey yet. I'll consult a doctor tomorrow first."

"Sure. Congratulations! I envy you because up to now we could not make one yet."

"It's not your time yet. That means, my friend, enjoy each other first. Eventually the baby will come."

"You're right! Update me tomorrow."

"Sure, it's just unfortunate that Trey has a meeting tomorrow. So we have to be careful not to tell him about this, else, he will cancel the meeting."

I Love You, My Executive SecretaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora