Chapter 5

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"The first time ever I saw your face, ‎I thought the sun rose in your eyes. ‎And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark and the endless skies."
  ‎                -Ewan McColl

When Trey arrived at the hospital room of Agatha, he saw her cradled in the arms of  Chelsea. They were both sleeping. They looked like mother and daughter. He sat on the chair beside his daughter and he could see Chelsea clearly.

Her face was soft and calm with some tendrils falling on her face. "I didn't realize she is so much beautiful closer. Imagine this so efficient and serious lady is hiding the most beautiful and serene face I have ever seen." His lips quirked. This was the first time after Tanya died that he noticed another woman.

Chelsea felt somebody was staring at her and when she opened her eyes, their eyes locked for a flitting moment. "I'm sorry, sir. I fell asleep." She started to gently lay Agatha's head on the pillow.

"How can I thank you, Chelsea? This is already beyond your duty as a secretary. To think you're not even my official secretary"

"Not a problem. I'll do anything for Agatha."

"Lorrie handled the office quite efficiently. I liked  her. Is she your friend? Do you think she can be a good secretary?"

"Yes, she is very efficient, organized and dedicated. She will be a good choice."

"Thank you for the recommendation."

"Sir, I better go. I promised Agatha that I'll try to visit her tomorrow.  Goodnight, Mr. Paraiso!"

The following morning, Chelsea arrived at the hospital, Agatha was already awake. Trey was wearing only a hugging tshirt, showing off the muscles and a jogging pants. "Good morning, Cheesy! What did you bring me?" asked Agatha eagerly.

"Cheesy?" his eyes twinkling. "Oh my, I could drown myself in those eyes," thought Chelsea.

"That's what my close friends call me." she said to Trey. Then to Agatha, "Good morning, angel. I brought you some fruits and here is a teddy."

Trey thought,"She called Agie angel. Only Tanya called her that."

He noticed Chelsea was wearing no make up and with only a plain tshirt and pants, very simple with her hair tied up in a ponytail. She's more beautiful in all her simplicity.

Then he  heard Agatha, "I'll call him Bruno."

Chelsea was laughing, and it was the first time he heard her laugh because in the office she's always serious. She has a nice timbre in her voice especially over the phone. It's like a siren calling sailors to her trap. "What am I thinking?" Trey was admonishing himself.

"Is there something wrong with my face? Or perhaps any smudges?" Chelsea asked Agatha.

"Nothing at all. You're beautiful. Isn't she daddy? Chelsea blushed.

"Now Agie, you're embarrassing Chelsea But you're right, she's beautiful especially without make up."

Her heart did a double take. "Hmm, so father and daughter are teasing me now. I think I better go before my face blows up." They all laughed.

To Agatha, she said,"Tomorrow is my wash day, I'm not sure I can visit you. I'll try but no promises. Okay, angel. You take care so you can go home already."

Then she turned to Trey, "I'd better be going, sir!" she was taken by surprise when he hugged her and whispered, " You take care, too. Hope you can visit us tomorrow."  How she almost swooned at the feel of his arms around her. Now she knew why those girls in the office were so attracted to him.

She hurriedly left but not enough to hear Agatha, "She's very like mom. When I was crying because I was afraid of the needles, she hugged me and rocked me to sleep."

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