Chapter 5: The Game is on!

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*Clarity's POV*

I sat down at the table by the window and squinted at the menu over the counter. Leo scratched the back of his head and sat down with me. Okay so before you judge me for everything is to follow: I have never had coffee before and am not aware of the effects it has on me or which one tastes good, okay?

"So what do you want?" Leo asks me. I think for a sec trying to think of a coffee order my mum used to get. The only thing that comes to mind is a joke I heard about it somewhere.

"Tall, skinny, cinnamon dolche latte, sugar free, coffee free, double sleeve, no cup." He laughs for a sec.

"And what's your real order smart ass?" I think again for a nano second and say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Uh... Mocha light frappe?" I ask, hoping I said that right. He nods and gets up to order. I exhale and almost run my fingers throw my wig. But I don't want to mess it up. It takes a while to get a good wig on correctly dammit!

Leo soon returns with two scones in hand. He hands one to me. I take a bite.

"Thanks!" I say when I've finished chewing.

"No problem." He waves his hand at my thanks. "So, who is the girl that wanted to vaporize me?"

"Who said I wanted to vaporize you?" I ask.

"You're vaporizer when it was being pointed at me for pranking you." I shrug.

"There are better ways to meet hot girls." I say and smirk.

"Who said I thought you were hot?"

"You blushed and..." I grabbed his hand, "Your pupils dilated just now as well." I let go of his hand. "Plus you brought me a blueberry scone which I had not ordered. And it's delicious by the way. Thanks again." I smile. He blinks for a sec, then gets off his chair and kneels.

"Clarity Ashman, you the smartest girl I have ever had the fortune to meet. You watch Doctor Who. You like blueberry scones. And you're Scottish accent is superb. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"Get up, asshole." I roll my eyes but smile. "You don't even have a ring!"

"Can I at least pay for coffee?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I laugh. "But don't go getting a crush on me till you know me better, kay?" He rolls his eyes.

"There's a difference between thinking you're hot and having a crush on you." He smirks me. I stick my tongue out at him. "You haven't answered yet, though." 

"Answered what?"

"Who are you?"

"I've already told you! I'm Clarity Ashman."

"No. That's not what I asked. You're name is not you. It's just a title." I just sit there staring at him. Then I smile.

"You'll have to find that out yourself, Mr. Prince." 

"I look forward to it, Ms. Ashman!" 


* John's POV* 

I took my seat in my chair as the client stepped in. Sherlock looked up at him without saying anything. I sighed and did my bit.

"Take a seat and tell your story. Leave out all trivial details like you take sugar in your coffee. And don't be boring." I sigh again. The man takes a seat in the wooden chair.

"Mr. Holmes. My boss works with your brother--"

"Get out. I'm not interested in anything he has to say. And 'with' means 'for' by the way." Sherlock gets up.

"No!! Wait, I have a message!"

"I don't care what My--"

"It's not from Mycroft. It's about Mycroft. Or at least, something he's not telling you." Sherlock turns back to the man and stares at him. I remember earlier today. Mycorft horribly trying to keep something from Sherlock.

*Le Flashback*

"There's something you don't want me to find out. What is it?" Sherlock asked.

"Why would I tell you if I don't want you to find out?" 

"Because you know I'm going to find out."

"No you aren't" Mycroft sighs.

*Le Flashback End*

Sherlock took his seat again and stared at the man. 

"Who are you?" He asked. The man took his seat again.

"For reasons that are obvious, I cannot tell you. What I can tell you is what Mycroft is hiding. Or rather, who." 

"Who?" I asked.

"Someone hidden in plain sight. Someone extremely dangerous, and a potential threat to... well, everyone."

"Yes, thank you for making this like a dramatic novel. Now just tell me who it is. I'm afraid patience isn't my best virtue, and I don't see a point in exercising it now." 

"Cedric. Jaydon. Adams." He stated.

"Isn't he the owner of--" I'm cut off by the man.

"Various banks, stores, products. He's an extremely wealthy businessman to the world. Yet in reality, he's much more monstrous than that." He stands up and adjusts his jacket. "That's all I'm permitted to tell you. Good luck gentlemen. You're going to need it." He winks and grabs his coat and hat. 

"Who do you work for?'' Sherlock asks. The man turns back to us and smiles. 

"Mr. Adams, of course." He smiles again and exits the flat. I look out the window to see him get in the back of a shiny black car, and speed away. I look back at Sherlock.

"Well?" I ask. Sherlock looks back at me and smiles. 

"The game is on, I suppose." He gets up and walks to his office, "And this game promises to be interesting." He pokes his head back out after a few minutes. 

"Look up Cedric Jaydon Adams and see if you can find anything. Businesses, when he was born and wear. Spouses. Children. Get me data." 

"And what are you going to do?" 

"Make the first move in this chess game." He says and closes his office door.


A/N: I'm not comfortable with writing in Sherlock's POV so that's why this story is MOSTLY going to be John and Clarity. There might be some Leo chapters. I don't know. This story now has a plot line! Yay! Oh! And on Leo and Clarity, shut up I'm cheesy and he's based off this guy I know, Max. Okay? Leo is so deep I can't even see him anymore! Lol.

I have the rest of the story planned out as well! 

1/6 chapters done! Yeah! It's kinda short though.... I sincerely apologize but you're getting five in two days so, shut up. 

Okay. I might post again tonight but I doubt it. I think I'm just gonna go post my DW feels in Random Thoughts with me and go to bed. I'm really tired. That first week back at school is always the hardest, isn't it? Or is that just me...

Anyway, I hope you like it! I'm sorry if you don't! No I'm not. You can go somewhere else if you don't like it. 

Vote, Comment, and go to sleep, babes! It's not good for you to stay up till four in the morning! 

Also, go vote for my story on the Summer's End contest! If I'm not voted off in the second round, same prize. Five chapters, two days. If I am booted, no biggie. I'll just continue as normal. (Posting wise)

~GW (Emilia) << My name in Spanish class. Idk why I picked it. 

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