Chapter 1: Arrival

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A/N: This was originally dedicated to Apagado but then she turned into an extremely homophobic, transphobic, hypocritical, slightly murderous piece of shit.

Curled up in the back of the cab, I sat waiting to arrive at my destination. I stared out the window, looking at the bleak, grey skies of London. It's raining today, as it so often does. A holiday somewhere with sun might have been nice, but I suppose I should try to keep the best attitude towards this. Anyway, a city is more interesting than the country.

The squeaking of brakes brings me out of my thoughts. I move myself out of the curled position I had taken and get out of the cab after paying the driver. She helps me grab my bags out of the back of the car and drag them to the door. After a polite nod in my direction, she quickly gets back in the cab and rejoins the conga line that is slow moving traffic.

I take a deep breath. In front of me is the door of 221b Bakers St. I raise my hand to knock. There's one of those metal knockers on the door, like on old houses so the rich people wouldn't hurt their gloved hand. I've always wanted to use one! I grasp the handle and knock slightly too hard on the door.

Within the building, I hear scuffling and some faint yelling. After a moment, a little old woman with a kind face appears from behind the door.

"Ah, you must be a client. Mr. Holmes is up stairs. Follow me dear." She didn't see my bags.

"Um, no sorry. I'm not a client. I'm Clarity. John Watson's relative. I'm staying with him for a bit. I do have the right house don't I?" I say, trying to hide my exasperation. Traveling makes me a little more irritable than normal.

"Oh that's right! Sorry, dear. It's rare we get a visitor that isn't a client." I nod as if I understand what she means. Client? Who would be so unprofessional as to run their business here? She smiles and lets me in. "The flat is up those stairs, dear. And your bedroom will be next to John's. He'll show you." She tries to grab one of my bags. 

"Oh there's no need! I can manage very well myself, but thank you." She nods, still smiling, and walks away. I start dragging my bags up the stairs. I see the door and reach out my hand to open it. It swings open  before I can grab the handle. 

"Hello, Clary!" John says affectionately and hugs me tightly.

"Hi Jawwwwwwwwn!" I make a poor attempt to stifle my yawn as I speak, and return his hug. He grabs one of my bags and motions for me to follow him up a flight of stairs. 

"Over here." He and I drag my bags into one of the two the small bedrooms at the top. It takes a couple of trips as I brought a good many things given the amount of time I'm staying here. After all my bags are in my room, John grabs my arm. "Quick warning, about my flat mate." He almost whispers. "He's a bit of a git, but you'll get used to him."

"Yeah I get it. It'll be fine." I smile and rush down the stairs back to the flat. I'm impatient to explore my temporary home, and I want to meet the idiot who runs a business in such a mess of a flat. Distracted by my thoughts, I don't notice the tall figure in the living area until I run straight into him.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I apologize. He's quiet for a moment and looks at me strange. "Have I got something on my face?" He turns back to the direction I came from and yells.

"JOHN? Who is this?" It didn't occur to me that John would neglect to tell his flatmate about a long term visitor, such as myself, coming to stay. Or maybe he did and this guy's just an idiot. Either way, I had more important things to do.

"Righto." I say. I've lost interest by now in John's flatmate and walk past him to the kitchen. "Got food? I'm starving..." I assume that the other man, who I presumed was the aforementioned Sherlock, gave John a look cause I hear John say "She's been traveling all day, of cource she wants to eat." This guy. I return to my search for food. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Just a bunch of body I settle on a box of crackers. I stroll over to the living area and take a seat on the couch. John stares at me incredulously.

Annoying Sherlock HolmesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin