Chapter 22

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Ross' POV

You don't need a best friend. Trust me. He always shows up when you least want him to be there.

I glare at drunk Colton for the hundreth time since he came back.

"I'm tired. ", Laura suddenly announces after a while of being quiet and just sitting there. "I'm going to sleep. "

"You are betraying your drinking squad. ", Colton notices.

I look up at Laura who has already stood up. She frowns.

"Well, it's almost four in the morning. ", she says as she barely keeps balance on her feet. "I think.."

"You are right. I'm going to sleep as well. Good night Ross. Night sweetie. ", Kate kisses me on the cheek and my stupid friend on the lips.

"I am too lazy so here..", Laura tells us as she sends Colton and I one air kiss with her hand.

The girls disappear into the apartment and I turn to Colton, drinking more of my beer. I don't even know how much of it I've drunk.

"Women. ", we say in unison.

"I think.. ", I say as everything around me spins slowly. "I think Laura's mad at me.."

"I told you before, she's always mad. Deal with it. ", her cousin slurs.

"I don't want her to be mad. ", I pout. "It's not my fault that Lydia called in the middle of our make out. And it's not my fault that you decided to interrupt right when I was gonna... gonna talk to her. ", I drag out the last sentence, due to my half functional brain.

"You two kissed?!", he yells surprised.

"Sh!", I punch him in the shoulder.

"What in the world.. I can't, I need more beer for this. ", he sips all that's left in his can to the bottom of it.

"I was telling her about my problems with Lydia and then.. well somehow it happened. I don't quite remember how we got to the kissing. "

"Well, it's not a big deal. She hits it off with guys all the time. Just don't make things awkward because of everyone. ", he advices me.

I glare at him. "Colton, she changed. She doesn't do that anymore. And I.. man, it came back. I feel like I fell for her. Seriously. That's why things with Lydia just won't work anymore. "

Colton looks at me as if I'm the most hopeless human on Earth and shakes his head. His mouth then spreads in the biggest grin ever and he begins to laugh uncontrollably.

"What's so funny, asshole?"

"You really bought yourself a ticket to hell. Oh God. I can't even..", Colton snorts and then keeps making stupid noises while laughing.

"Fuck off. I need advice here. "

He doesn't stop for a while and I keep looking at him annoyed, waiting.

"It's nice. How does it feel like, kissing someone you wanted practically since you were both five?", he raises a brow.

I take a deep breath. "Shut your mouth. You know I stopped crushing on her at age fourteen. Well, because she was far away.. And, nice, I guess.. I can't believe what happened.", I groan and rub my eyes, excited and frustrated at once.

Colton's quietness brings new kind of atmosphere.

" You really think she is capable of loving you back?", he says when his laughter dies down. His expression is now serious. "I remember when Ethan said the same thing to me half year ago after they slept together. He liked her right away and was trying to make a relationship out of it for a while but Laura kept turning him down brutally. "

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