----Next Period----

I was happy to see Sam I thought that he would be able to cheer me up. I was right. We goofed off almost all period and ended up getting lunch detention. So we had an excuse to hang at lunch(Sam usually sits with his other friends). We just goofed off again and that's what we did in every period we had together.

----After school----

We both rode our penyboards to his house. When we got there we were alone so we decided to watch a movie. We agreed on the conjuring, I normally LOVE scary movies but this was supposed to be really scary. When the movie started we were next to each other on the couch and we shared a blanket. We had to be really close because it was a smaller blanket. I felt safe being this close to him. Is that weird? Anyway at one point during the movie he must have snuck his arm around my waist  because when I tried to turn over I felt a strong arm keeping me where I was. So I rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up and saw him smirking.

After the movie we were hungry and decided to make some pancakes. While we ate our pancakes Sam got a text from his parents telling him Levi was sleeping at a friends and they were gonna stay at work really late because they each had a ton of work.

We decided to watch another movie called Just Go With It. We went back to the same position as when we were watching the conjuring. About halfway through I felt my eye lids getting heavier and heavier. Soon I was sound asleep.

~~~~Next Day~~~~

I woke up and looked at my phone, it was 8 AM on Saturday morning. But then I realized that I slept in my clothes and that I wasn't in my room. There was also a strong arm wrapped around my waist and a something warm pressed on to my back. I slowly turned my body around. I saw Sam sleeping, and looking adorable while doing so. Man this guy was cute. I started drawing shapes on his perfectly toned bare chest. I saw his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning beautiful" he said groggily.

"Morning handsome" I giggled.

He closed his eyes again and pulled me closer. I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"Sam" I said.

"Yea" He replied.

"I really like you, do you like me back?" I asked and let out a shakey breath.

Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. Nothing deep just a normal kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" he smirked.

I giggled and blushed so I hid my face in his chest taking in his scent.

"I'm hungry"I whined.

"Me too babe" he smirked.

We agreed to go down stairs and make eggs and bacon. I checked my phone and realized I had 4 texts and 5 missed calls. The texts  and 4 of the calls were from my parents just making sure I'm ok. The last call was from Brie. I called her back and she wanted to know if I wanted to go shopping at noon. I agreed and said I would pick her up at her house.

----At The Mall----

Brie and I were just walking around, I didn't bring money because I have enough clothes. She bought a lot of clothes mostly crop tops shorts flannels and beanies. I love it ,we had almost the exact same style. We walked and walked until we say this really cute guy walk by that was checking Brie out. Being the good friend I am I make her stop and go talk to him. They talked for like 15 minutes. She ended up getting his number and finding out his name is Luke and he is British which makes him like 10x cuter and he asked her on a date tomorrow night.

Love Me Until The End (A Sam Pottorff Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now