CHAPTER 05~ Flames

Start from the beginning

"Sir, let's go. We have to reach the hospital." AK said and I nodded. I folded my shirt sleeves. I sighed as we walked towards the car.

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"Shit" I yelled as I punched on the wall. My hand sting as pain shoot through it. A hand rest on my shoulders and I released the puff of air out of my mouth. I turned to look at AK and he squeezed my shoulder as he nodded.

"Sir, doctors are trying their best. Please calm down." He assured and I lowered my gaze.

"Hmm AK can you please do me a favor?" I asked as I was staring at the floor.


"Please shift all the convalescent in Black King's Special Hospital and get the best doctors for them. I want all of them to get back on their feet as soon as possible." I ordered him and turned to leave.

"Ok sir, but where are you going?"

"I have some work to do" I said as I put on my shades and left the place.


"Shuraim, what the progress of Lennar's project?" Zay asked before stepping into the elevator.

"We are working on it sir, In Sha Allah by the end of the week you'll get all the reports related to that deal" He assured and Zay nodded at him and just then the elevator's door chimed, opening to the 27th floor.

They walked over to Zay's cabin and Shuraim opened the door for him.

"Sir?" Someone called from behind and he turned to look at the person. He raised his eyebrow.

"Wo, Actually I wanna talk to you in person," She said that all in one go and sighed.

He nodded, opening the door for her. She entered first and Zay told Shuraim to meet him at the cabin later.

He went towards his seat and asked her to sit too.

"Yes Miss Raisa ? Anything important? " He said before sitting on the chair.

"Wo, actually I was thinking that ummm" she was struggling, and  He was sure that something is bothering her. "Bolo Raisa! Is everything alright?" he encouraged her to speak.

"Wo actually my father is not feeling well lately and my mother asked me to visit them as soon as possible as my brother is out of the country so he can't visit them." She paused for a moment. "I want you to grant me a leave for 1 week if that's possible," she said, fidgeting her fingers through nervousness.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Sir I know I am a newbie here and it's against the rules to take leave on the first month of joining. But it's about my father sir and I have to go even if I had to quit the job" she stated lowly as if she, herself not sure about what she's saying.

Zay sighed and got up from the seat and went towards the window.

"Where your parents live?"

"San Antonio"

"Mm-hmm ok!" He turned and walked towards the Despenser.

"I observed that her behavior was so unusual. I know, I just came here and I am nobody to judge her personality but its just that, the Raisa I met yesterday was different. Maybe it's because of her father or maybe I am overthinking. But why the hell I am thinking about her personality? Damn you Zayaan Malik. Stick to the point".

"Look Raisa, I know its about your father but the thing is I can't go against the rules. I'm sorry" He gave her an apologetic look and went back to the chair. She just nodded in response and got up to leave.

After she left he grabbed his car keys and dashed out. He was walking down the quiet beach, lost in his thoughts he doesn't know how he'll face his brother and what he'll say about him being MIA just like that.

Everything is messed up right now. Yesterday, when Zay watched the news he got panic seeing dreadful view on the screen and without wasting any second he called AK. Later that night he got a message from him that everything is under control but his heart wasn't at peace. He was feeling terrible because in that hard time, he wasn't standing beside his brother. 

He looked up at the sky as the first drops of rain pour down on his face. He noticed how the droplets splashed on the surface of the sea and dissolved with such easiness. Water dissolving into water. Happiness disappearing  with time. The drizzle turns into heavy rainfall, but he doesn't scatter like others in the search for a shelter. He sat there on the sand, watching the sea as the rain pours down.

He feels alive. This moment is REAL. He doesn't feel like an outsider nor a person who doesn't exactly fit with the rest of the puzzle pieces. Like these drops, he thought he's just going with the flow, moving where the wind takes him. Probably, he's like those unlucky droplets that hit against the window's panes, the ones that are unfortunate to not become a part of something greater - like being a part of the sea. Just like them he often feel that he's unfit for the world.

He stood up, feeling that this timely world has held him captive and the raindrops are going to break the shackles. He stretched his arms wide open and let the water soaked him. The moments were passing by and he was still standing there in the rain, not thinking about the world. He ran his fingers  through his hair, throwing it back and then sighed. 


Finally an update!! feels good to be back!! 

Do read the story and let me know how you feel about it through your comments or DM and if you like the chapter then please do vote :))

Insha'Allah will meet soon till then Allah Hafiz...
Love Love


Peace ❤

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