Part 27~ Oh, Baby

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"You know this woman?" the security guard asks.

I can't speak. I can't catch a break now, can I? Not only is it traumatizing to be reliving seeing my boyfriend kiss my best friend, it's traumatizing to see her in a state I once was in. My first instinct is to tell her I told you so and send her off. But I never got the support I so desperately needed during this time and so my heart tells me that Lina, despite anything horrible she'd done, deserves the same.

"Even if I don't," I begin, "just look at her. How won't you help her?"

The guard is stunned by my words, "ma'am, I have a job and that is too ensure that no unauthorized personnel enter the set."

"Even if they're struggling to catch a breath, like her?!" I cry out.

"Miss, I have—"

"—let her in! She's my fr—" Lina's face lights up but I immediately shut it down, "I know her. And please, get the medical staff to come down, will you?"

He lets her in and leads her to a chair and runs off to fetch someone with a first aid degree. I'm nowhere near Lina, yet we can't seem to keep our eyes off each other. Her's are hopeful and full of desperation, whereas I'm assuming all mine contains is hatred.

"Who is she?" Tom looks down at me.

I clench my fists, "an acquaintance. No, she's lower than acquaintance. I just know her. No, I don't even know who she is. She's a traitor. A dirty, manipulative tr—"

"Is she the one your boyfriend cheated on you with?" Tom raises an eyebrow.

I nod desperately and bury my face in his chest, looking away from Lina as the medics tend to her.

Jon walks over to us, "can we film now? I'm sorry, we're on a really tight schedule with this film and we still have to get all of the scenes done."

"Yeah, right, of course," I tell him, "and Jon? I'm so sorry."

He scoffs, "don't be. You replaced Winnie. You're a lifesaver."

He winks as he says the last sentence and he runs off, beginning to direct everyone into positions. Tom and I look at eachother and laugh. I forget about Lina for a second. For a second.

Somehow, I manage to record the scene in one perfect take. Even with more distractions, I manage to do it.

"Cut!" Jon shouts, "well done, Corinna!"

I exhale, relieved and Tom jogs over to me.

He beams.

"How did you do it?! There was another distraction and you still managed to do it," he says in awe.

I stumble for words, because the truth is, I don't even know myself.

"I guess I just blocked it out," I laugh nervously.

He puts his hands on my shoulders and stares into my eyes.

My laugh is even more nervous now, "Tom, what are you doing?"

He smiles and tucks my hair behind my ears, "you're just so beautiful."

I blush scarlet and put my lips to his. It's only a brief kiss, but you could sense the electricity from a mile away.

He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against mine, "are you trying to use me as a distraction, Rina?"

"Maybe," I say and plant a quick kiss on his lips and turn around.

I can't just leave my problems unsolved. Lina is a big problem. The medics are done with her and she has a bandage on her arm.

I keep a poker face, being careful not to show any emotion, "Lina."

"Cori, I—"

I snap, "—it's Corinna to you."

She's startled and tears well up in her eyes, "Corinna. I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what I put you through."

"Can't imagine what you've put me through?" I scoff, "now that's an understatement."

"I just... Xavier was always so nice to me and no guy had ever treated me like that before. I just went straight for it, not caring who I hurt," she mutters.

"Not even if you hurt yourself?" I say as she looks away, "Lina. Tell me honestly. Is he worth hurting me? Is he worth hurting yourself? Because to me, it doesn't look like it."

She gulps, blinking tears away, "he was drunk. He came home and he lost it, saying all this shit about how he misses you and all that. I cracked it. Telling him that he lost you and he chose me. Then he- well, you know the rest."

"Just tell me one more thing Lina," I enunciate each word, "was Xavier a mistake?"

She opens her mouth to speak, but doesn't say a word.

I chuckle harshly and turn around, ready to walk off, "yeah. That's what I thought. It's not too late to run, like I did."

I take a few steps before Lina calls out, "Cor, you- Corinna, you don't understand! We're bound together, now. I can't run."

I turn around instantly, confused by her words. I walk back to her and tower over her.

"What do you mean you're bound together?" I spit.

She rubs her belly and smiles down at it, "I'm pregnant."

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