Sleep Deprived and Itchy

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Okay, so first of all it is currently 2:30 am, and I want to sleep really fucking bad. But, I can't. Why? Because my brain decided that I need severe chronic insomnia in order to live my life. I already only got approximately 2 hours of sleep yesterday, and it looks like I'm heading for an all-nighter tonight! Joy.

However, I can't claim my sleepless night completely on my insomnia. 5 days ago I rolled my chair (with me on it) over my big toe. Not too bad, I got away with a fairly small scrape for my trouble. Then, 2 days after that, I got stung by a fucking bumblebee on the bottom of that exact. Same. Toe. So yeah, that hurt. And to add insult to injury, I just got a mosquito bite. Wanna guess where? The same toe I already scraped up and stung.

Oh, and the scrape looks like it might be infected.

What a truly wonderful night. I need to sleep sooo fucking bad, but I can't. Because I itch. And that just about sums up my life. Just one inconvenience after another.

I have volleyball practice tomorrow. And my volleyball shoes are already worn-out to the point of scraping up my feet even through fairly thick socks. Thank God the season hasn't started yet, so practices aren't mandatory.

So, yeah, this has been my 227 word rant for the night. G'night, and I hope everyone else is having a much better time than me.

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