This Is A Dark Ride 2

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Author's note: This symbol * will divide the chapter multiple times with flash-forwards. It'll be easier to understand if you pay close attention to the details. This final chapter took 3 months to finish. I hope you'll solve it. It's designed in a fashion to entertain you and keep you on your toes.


When the wound of our heart overwhelms our mind. Others perceive it as sheer craziness. Craziness can be both, passion as well as relief. It can also make you lonely. But there will always be those whose biggest strength is their craziness.

I walked happily towards the old factory all the while knowing there's only one way out of this mess.

"Hello, love?" He smiled and welcomed me. We were walking toe to toe and my confidence was at 100%.

I pulled out his gun from his holster and pointed it towards him. I hadn't realized how heavy it would be till I held it with both my hands.

"It doesn't have any bullets love." Sumiet winked and asked me to follow him. I stood my ground and held the gun to my head. His reckless smile faded instantly.

"You need to let them go. If you want me alive." I said calling him out on his bluff.

"They weren't you Sou. They are dead. It's your fault!" He whispered carefully trying to take the gun away.

"Then tell me this Sumiet. All the lies. All of the betrayal. All these deaths. Where does it end?" I boldly asked grabbing his hand.

"It all ends right here love." He said leaning his head towards me as a million string lights turned on blinding me temporarily.


"Happy birthday Sou!" Sumiet voice gently woke me up and I turned around slowly to face him in the bed. I looked around in confusion as he was holding a red velvet cupcake and a sparkly candle.

I smiled at him and got up from the bed all the while trying to fix my hair. He put aside the cupcake and lightly massaged my shoulder. I stared at our photographs that hung above the bed with string lights.

The first picture showed a happy couple exchanging vows under a floral alter. The second picture was when we lived in our old Moscow neighbourhood to lay low and lastly the one with Lorde, our dog.

It always seemed to haunt me that in life no matter what happens my smiles and happiness that comes off in pictures are never the same as the memories that hurt behind them.

I went to the balcony. The sunlight blinded me but the warmth felt soothing. I wasn't dizzy anymore, since I had kind of gotten used to living on the highest floor.

Sumiet leaned onto me from behind and cosied up to me, I felt disgusting as he touched me and kissed my neck, so I closed my eyes to imagine I was alone even after I had just spent six months with him.

Some of you might guess I've spun down the abyss of madness and you are not wrong, hell though it might be I had my own endgame planned months in advance when people I cared about started dropping like dead flies.


The silhouettes tied up in three chairs struggled to move around as my vision finally adjusted. Sumiet jumped in joy and stood behind them.

"Welcome to the Grand Finale of 'I died in a car accident shtick'. We have all the major players addressing all the way back to you conspiring against our future!" He said laughing wildly and pacing around with his gun.

"This doesn't have to be any more of a mess than it already is. Let's just get out while we still can." I stood my ground knowing full well what he was about to do.

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