『 Chapter 13 』

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。。。。。。Sorry for not updating 。。。。。。And this update is probably crappy like the last one. I just wrote what came in my mind


Third Person's POV





That was what Naomi thought when she got a fever. A FEVER. She often overthink over things when she got one like, she can't do any physical activities AT ALL. Or she can't draw anything because her hands felt SO NUMB.

For the past 2 days, she stayed at home with some company, either Sykes or other heroes. She isolated herself in the bedroom, only seeing sunlight from her window. She ate porridge made by Sykes (and it tasted good) and most of the time, she slept. The other heroes were a little worried on her condition for two days.

When Ruby knew about her fever, she asked, "Naomi, would you like Rafaela to heal you?"

But Naomi declined, saying, "It's just a fever. It'll go away soon."

"But your battles and training.."

As Ruby stated that, it instantly clicked in her head.

She needed to be healed.

Although she didn't want to bother the holy healer, she had no choice but to agree to Ruby's decision.

The next day, Rafaela visited Naomi. With a blink of an eye, her fever went away. Naomi thanked Rafaela and apologised for "bothering" her.

"Oh, it's nothing Naomi~" the healer chuckled and smiled her. "Just don't overtrain yourself again. It might be the reason why you got sick."

She nodded as Rafaela remembered something.

"By the way, would you like to get to know the new hero? She got here yesterday."

"Oh sure!" Naomi said excitedly and wondered who the hero was.

"Let's get you ready!"


As Naomi wondered, looking for the newbie, she glanced at the other heroes who were doing their usual solo training and practice. Some were also sparring with their partners, especially the couples, and the others just hang around with their fellows.

Then, Naomi felt a hard bump from her left arm. She and the other person fell on their bumps as they groaned in pain. The unknown person shuffled back up and bowed at Naomi.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm in a hurry for my training!" a soft squeaky voice said.

It told Naomi that she bumped to a girl. Naomi slowly stood up.

"It's alri-" Naomi abruptly stopped as she saw a rather new figure in front of her. "...Are you the new hero that just came a few days ago?"

The female nodded, "Yes I am~"

Her appearance is cute yet evil, Naomi thought. Pink hair, purple eyes, an elf too.

Naomi went back to reality when the girl handed out her hand. "My name's Selena." the elf said.

"Naomi. Nice to meet you, Selena." Naomi said as she reached out and gave Selena a handshake.

Selena abruptly withdrew her hand as she gasped. "Oh my! I'll have to go now!"

Naomi nodded as they waved their goodbyes. The pink haired elf quickly transformed into her other abysmal form, running off again.

Hmm... she seemed a bit suspicious.

"Well... it's possibly due to her dark aura and appearance." Naomi mumbled, shaking her suspicion on Selena.

But what she did not know is that a battle between Light and Darkness was making its way to the Land of Dawn.


Told you it's a short crappy chapter TwT

Nontheless, I am doing my best to make a transition to the Jade Path time of MLBB. That Survival Mode time. Yes.

The next chapter shall be longer! I SHALL DO MA BESTEST TO MAKE IT LONG!

*ahem* As what I always say, SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPIE~!

Date Finished: October 7, 2018 (whew what a long gap)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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