『 Chapter 2 』

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Tamina screamed as she got suck into a portal-like passage. She did not know where was she going nor what will happen to her for a long time.

The next thing that happened startled her so much.

Her hair changed into a short blue one from her usual shoulder-length brown hair. Metal parts replaced her arms and binded on her chest, back, waist and feet. Something also wrapped around her head and her right eye was replaced into a robotic one. Lastly, a metallic mouth mask covered both her nose and mouth. Tubes connected her mouth mask, robotic arms and steel belt (on her waist) to her chest area. A sword gun was placed in its container on her back. She wore all black shirt, shorts and long socks underneath the metal armor.

As she was seeing it happen, she remembered of her own character, Naomi.

'Am I Naomi in this cyber world!?' she mentally panicked.

The whole scene changed and she was now falling from the sky. She immediately recalled that Naomi can fly with her robotic hands and metallic boots. As she was nearing the ground, she activated them and she landed safely in a forest.

"Now... where am I?" she asked herself, slightly panicking. She noticed that her voice is slightly robotic but she didn't mind it.

She roamed a small area of the forest, as her right eye scanned the area. She noticed a figure that hid in a nearby bush. It had ears popping out of its head with a furry tail. It had a big boomerang on its back.

'It looks familiar.'

"Wh-who's there?" she calmly asked with a clear voice.

It suddenly jumped out in front of her, making Tamina stumble back. The figure was on its fighting stance.

"Who are you?" it squeaked in a small voice.

Tamina looked at her, her right eye scanning the figure. She saw the information which shook her.

"NANA!?" Tamina exclaimed.

"Yes that's me! Who are you human cyborg!?" Nana yelled back as she held her boomerang on her right hand.

"N-Naomi." Tamina stuttered nervously.

(a/n: From this time around, Tamina will be Naomi. They are just one person since Naomi is Tamina's own character.)

Placing her boomerang back, Nana went closer to Naomi who was shaking.

"It seems that you're lost Naomi. I will help you~" she smiled reassuringly. Naomi nodded as a reply.

'So I am in the game after all...'

With her realization, Naomi suddenly fainted.

"Naomi!! Hey!" Nana shook her but Naomi was unconscious.

The cat elf looked for help and luckily she found her friend who was also looking for her.

"Miya!" she shouted. Miya immediately noticed her squeaky voice.

"Nana! Where have you been?" Miya asked as she walked towards the cat elf.

"I found someone and she's unconscious!" the cat elf said, dragging the archer with her.

They reached the place where Naomi laid. Miya carried the half cyborg girl on her back.

"Isn't she heavy for you, Miya? With that much metal on her." Nana asked as she carried the container with the sword gun of Naomi.

"A bit but she is pretty light." Miya replied quietly.

"Does it bother you that we saw this human-cyborg girl out of nowhere?"

"Yes, but I guess there is a reason why she is here in our world."

Nana thought deeply before saying, "Yeah... probably there is a reason. A big one."

The archer nodded as they continued walking. They were taking Naomi to the Land of Dawn.

The place where the mightiest and strongest heroes live. The setting of Mobile Legends.

• < • > • < • > •


The fourth wall has been broken. The wall between reality and fiction!! (● ˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)⁾⁾

Just a note: Tamina = Naomi

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one!!

Date written: May 28, 2018

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