Chapter One: The Red Dance Part One

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Freya's POV
Dear Mrs Harrington,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. You probably don't know who I am or perhaps you're guessing it already. It's taken me a whole year to convince myself that this the best way to reach out to you. I really don't know where to start. I am sure you had your reasons for giving me away but how could you do that to me? I would like to understand why.

As much as I've lived a comfortable life, it doesn't change the fact that I'm incomplete. I have always sensed something is missing and when I found out about you I knew I had to do something. It's not natural not to know where you come from. I strongly believe everyone needs an origin story.

What is my story?

What is your story? What are you like? What do you like? What do you hate? What moves you? What do you do in your free time? Who are your friends? Are you an optimist? Are you friendly?

I want to get to know you and understand why I didn't matter enough for you to keep me. This is short notice and I'm truly sorry for the trouble but I can't just sit still anymore and assume you don't exist.

I'm in town for a job opportunity. I don't care much for it. The only reason I agreed to take it is because it was a good enough cover for me to meet you. My adoptive parents are not your biggest fans. You can imagine why. They feel threatened that I'll leave them for you.

If it's okay with you, we can meet this Thursday at four o'clock. I've attached a number you can reach me on and the hotel I'll be staying in. I can't come to your house. I don't want to start trouble with you family. I'll be waiting for you.

Can't wait to meet you,
Vince De Luca.

Reading the letter in the foyer was a bad idea. I am within view of several eyes and as such my sudden breakdown is quite visible. I brought my hand to my mouth to suppress the sound of shock I am about to make.  The son I gave up years ago is looking for me. Twenty years have gone by so quickly. So much has happened.

Pressing the letter against my chest, I turned to meet my husband's gaze. We are prepping for a party tonight. The last thing I want is to be a bundle of nerves on the night I am getting awarded for my philanthropic achievements. I have been immersed in the work not just for the good of others but to compensate for my own darkness.

Folding the letter, I tucked it into the pocket of my chinos. I approached Francis who seems to always beat me at being a better party planner. He has everything handled.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Yes it is. How are we doing?"

"Great." He looked around at the set up we had pulled off in the large ballroom. Everything looks amazing.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked hoping he could accompany me to meet Vince. We have seemingly made up. Things aren't so bad anymore. We weathered the storm together and here we are capable of sharing a sincere smile now and then.

"I'm not sure." His days are always planned to the tee. "Did you need something?"

"No... No." I laughed nervously. "I am okay."

He kissed my lips briefly but it was the most meaningful kiss yet. "I love you Nora dear. I'm proud of you for getting this award."

"Thank you."

I went about all my other preparations.

I played with my phone wondering whether to call him or just wait for tonight. I know that telling Cole about Vince De Luca will be much easier than telling Coleen.

The Harrington Series Book #1 The Winter BrideWhere stories live. Discover now