Chapter Four: Nora dear

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Frank's POV
"I don't want these displayed first. If we show all our good stuff before the end of the tour our guests will get bored!" I tried to reason with my assistant. "The rare diamonds come last before the auction."

"Yes sir. Some guests have asked if the Freya Nora diamond will be displayed."

"No. It's my wife's ring. It stays on her finger." I chuckled. Last time someone tried to buy it and when I said no he trashed me in papers and interviews. "And note this, I want additional security on her tomorrow night. I will not have anyone coming close enough to steal that ring. Get me-"

I stopped when I saw a familiar set of brown eyes looking at me. I moved away from my assistant to meet her. She didn't move away from the hallway which is less busy. "Marianna. It's been a while. What can I do for you?"

"Is there somewhere we can speak privately?"

"Uh... About what? I'm in the middle of something."

"Your office." She walked ahead of me. I followed behind her trying to keep my eyes ahead but I have always loved the way she sways her hips. It's beautiful. I notice many beautiful women all around me but the ring on my finger serves as a physical reminder that I vowed not to look. I raised my eyes and we didn't speak to each other until we reached the privacy if my office.

"Tea?" I picked up the phone to order from the kitchen but she declined. "What will you drink then?"

"The only reason I'm here is because I never forget the good done for me. When I had no one to turn to you took care of me. You helped me. I want my loyalty to be solely with you."

"What are we talking about?"

"Your wife. How is your marriage? Don't say fine because it's picture perfect. You two make it look like heaven but we both know it's not. I have experienced the ugly side."

"I like you a lot but my marriage is none of your business."

"But your wife just made it my business. This is the part you confirm a few things for me. Do you get physical with your wife?"

The only time I have laid my hands on Nora was after we argued some years back and she asked me for a divorce. With what Scarlett Monáe told me, I knew she was asking it so that she can be with him. She even wanted to take my children. She never admitted to an affair but deep inside I knew it. Like a volcano bubbling with hot larva I went off on her and my hands wanted to wring the life out of her. It was only that time and since, I keep my distance. We don't even share a bed anymore.

"Did she tell you that?"

"Yes. She said you tried to kill her because she asked for a divorce."

"No doubt she gave you quite a colorful description too. I did try to strangle her." I admitted taking a seat on the sofa. The beautiful Italian woman studied me quietly. "It never happened again."

"Why did you do that?"

"I'll tell you something that shouldn't leave the walls of this office. Nora is having a shameless affair. She has been at it for sixteen years and she thinks..."

"You don't know."

"Exactly Maria. She thinks I don't know."

"But if you know why not confront her? Sixteen years is a long time to bubble with rage Frank! What will happen when you explode?"

"I don't know. I'm waiting to see."

She sat beside me taking my hand into her small beautiful pair of hands. "Francis, end the marriage. She doesn't love you. If someone does that to you for a day or two it's possibly forgiveable. Sixteen years is a decision."

The Harrington Series Book #1 The Winter BrideDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora