Amusement park

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Kai: *chanting* amusement park! Amusement park! Amusement park!

Cole: *throws pillow*
Kai: par- *gets hit by pillow* *falls*



*everyones in car, going to amusement park*

Jay: *putting on sunscreen* want some? *holds out sunscreen bottle to kai*

Kai: no, I don't need that wussy stuff!

Nya: *is driving* we're almost to the park.

Lloyd: *is in very back of van* doesn't the park open at 11?

Everyone: *is silent*

Jay: *sighs loudly*


*2hours later*
Everyone: *sleeping in the van in a parkinglot*

Kai: wake up! The parks opening!

Nya: *throws a sunscreen bottle at him*


*everyones waiting for them to open the gates to the park*

Kai: ugh! Hurry up!

Jay: *sitting on the ground* why'd we leave so early? *is still sleepy*

Nya: *glares at kai*

Announcer: the amusement park is now opening, please enjoy!

Kai: yes! *rushes through the gates*

Nya: no wait we have to stick together-!

*everyone already ran off*

Nya: -.-

Jay: *only one who stayed* wanna go on the Ferris wheel?

Nya: sure.



Cole: *walking around* huh? *O* *looks at food truck* donuts? Cake?! *slams a twenty down on the counter*



Kai: *reads sign*

Sign: super duper scary tall dangerous roller coster

Kai: :D

*runs to line*



*riding on little kid train*

Zane: choo choo *wearing train conductor hat*

Little kid: I like your hat mister :3

Zane: *gives kid hat*

Kid: *O* :D



*licking lollypop*

Lloyd: .... where is everyone?.... Nya? Kai? ....... jay? *looking around* :(



Kai: *in line* *chanting* roller coaster roller coaster roller coaster :D

*front of line*

Dude running ride: you sure you can handle this ride?

Kai: *nods violently*

Dude: ok, but no phones. *points to the phone in Kai's pocket*

Kai: *holds his phone, staring at his phone*

Phone in Kai's mind: don't leave me Kai D:

Kai: 😭 *shoves phone at dude* ill be back phone! *rushes onto ride*

Dude: *in mind* what is wrong with him?

Kai: :D *ride starts*


*jay and nya*

*after ride*

Jay: should we find the others?

Nya: why would we want to find those psychos? -.-

Jay: .... well- *cole rushes past them screaming*

Cole: *running* *flock of birds chasing him*

Jay: 0.0


*cole* *past*

Cole: *eating sweets* *bird lands beside him*

Cole: you hungry?

Bird: sqwa :D

Cole: *gives it piece of cake*

Bird: *eats*

*more birds show up*

Cole: 0-0 I've made a mistake.


Jay: s-should we help him?

Nya: ..... *sighs loudly* fine.

*they save cole idk*

Nya: what happened?

Cole: *explains*

Nya: *facepalms*



*ride starts going up*

Kai: :D

*ride falls*

Kai: *0*

*after ride*

Kai: *^* *shaking*

*Nya finds kai*

Nya: there you are. Are you ok?

Kai: *hugging knees* I'm never going on another roller coaster again.

Nya: -_-


Skejdbe im done writing this. Lloyd was forever lost and Zane rode the train happily until the park closed and then he politely left and somehow found a way back home.

And Kai never rode a roller coaster again.

And Coles now scared of birds.

Also Kai got sunburnt and got more stuff thrown at him.

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