Chapter 3: Brazilian Boy, You're Quite The Charmer

Start from the beginning

    Everyone whipped out phones, calling 911, giving instructions. People were tearing off shirts to stop the bleeding, surrounding her, smothering her. I pushed through them fiercely, ignoring their protests. I pressed a shirt to her side. What the hell!? There was blood coming from everywhere. Her hip, the very bottoms of her stomach. Rips were in the skin along her abdomen. What was going on!? I ignored everyone as I heard the sirens getting closer, only nodding blankly when Rogue pulled me away.

    "You need to move, Air,'' he said intently, holding my shoulders. I nodded, only registering that he'd given me a nickname and being happy. I climbed into the back of the ambulance, then stopped when I saw Chase pacing worriedly, face frantic. I grit my teeth, then hopped out.

    "In. Hurry, now!!" I yelled at him as he hesitated. As they got ready to take off I spoke to her quickly. "You'll be fine, Lily. You'll be fine!" I furiously wiped tears from my eyes, then held her hands, noticing mine were covered in blood. In Lily's blood. She smiled weakly before her eyes slid shut. I crawled out slowly, shocked at how serious this was. I walked in a circle, tearing my hands through my hair before I ran into a solid wall.


   "I am driving you to your friend, okay? Unlike Alex, I really didn't care for a limo. I have my own car,'' he said with a strained smile, pulling me towards the empty lot near the beach. We took the clothes the stylists handed to us quickly, and stopped for a few minutes behind random cars to change. I'd gotten a pair of dark skinny jeans and a black v- neck t shirt loosely fitting. We peeked our heads over the hoods, giggling when we saw eachother and ducking back down. I pulled on my sandals and walked out as he did, trying not to stare. He wore a white shirt he hadn't even bothered to button and some dark, loose skinny jeans, and dark grey boots. The came up to just above his ankle and looked effortlessly sexy on him.

I walked behind him quickly, and despite the situation, my jaw dropped. I knew nothing about cars. Zip. But this was my DREAM car. A Shelby GT500 Eleanor!! It was deliciously old- fashioned, and so beautiful.

     "Do you like it?" he asked, amusement evident in his tone at my awe- struck expression. He opened my door for me and I slid in, eyes nearly tearing up with joy as I studied the smooth leather interior and incredibly high- tech radio.

   "I want to marry this car. It had the right from here on out to carry my children,'' I whispered. He laughed aloud and started the engine, a beautiful roar that faded into a gorgeous purr filling my ears like the elixir of life. I sighed in content, chuckling as he pulled on my seatbelt.

    "No car accidents,'' he muttered, taking off.

 I leaned forward in my seat the entire ride, and we got lost 3 times on the way. At around 11, we pulled into the lot of St. Claire's Hospital, and I walked up the the receptionist.

    "Lily?? Lily Challenge!?" I asked hurriedly, and she checked her computer.'

 "Room 206, but I'm afraid she's being taken there after her surgery and won't be in until around 4. And even then, she'll be sleeping until late.''

"I don't care,'' I said sternly.

  "Well, you'll have to go wait in the waiting room for that room,'' she said. "Her brother is already in the room she'll be sleeping in and there's only one person allowed in there after surgery at once,'' she explained. "Speaking of which. Are you family?"

  "I'm her sister,'' I said quickly.

 "And him?" she nodded in his direction, eyeing him up and down with a coy smile on her lips. I glared, opening my mouth to speak. Uncle, Uncle, Uncle, I chanted too myself, scowling slightly.

    "This is my wife,'' he said cheerfully, wrapping an arm around me. "I'm the brother- in- law,'' he said happily. I gaped. Was he kidding me!? We only looked around 20! And we were both younger than that! Or atleast I was.

"Oh,'' she said, tone now bored.She gave us the instructions in a dull tone, and he took my hand. "Let's go see Lily, honey!" he said cheerfully, and I smothered a snicker. He was sure laying it on thick!

    We walked there quickly, checking all the room numbers. I was impressed. I'd forgotten each patient room had it's own waiting room for family. Passing room 206, I saw Chase sitting hunched over next to an empty bed, perfectly still.

   "She'll be okay,'' I whispered from the doorway. He glanced up and offered me a weak smile before looking away. I smiled back sadly, then walked to the waiting room next door. We sat down quietly, and a few minutes later a doctor walked in. He had dark hair greying at the temples and intelligent blue eyes.

         "I assume you're the sister and brother- in- law?" We nodded. ''Well, to be short, it's bad. She broke her hip on the fall, and the bone bent a long way before snapping. It fractured much of the right side of her pelvic bone and the splintered bone caused some internal bleeding. At the moment, she isn't stable.'' I bent my head down, feeling my eyes run over with tears, and Rogue took my hand. "We'll be in later, but not until morning. You should go home, rest up,'' the doctor suggeseted gently.

  I shook my head. "No. I'm staying here until she wakes up.'' The doctor nodded, expecting that, and left. I curled up on the chair, and Rogue pulled me up half into his lap, cradling me. We didn't need words. What could anyone say that would make your friend being near death better? Sighing, I pressed my head to his chest as he stretched his legs out on the long couch. The lamp was dimmed, and I could barely make out his face. Eventually we scooted lower, laying on the couch. My back was to the back of the chair, and he lay on his side, facing me.

   "She will be okay,'' he suddenly said matter- of- factly.

"How do you know for sure?" I whispered.

"Because... no matter where you're from, best friends are the same. They love eachother and rub off on one another. You are both strong girls because you share it. She is strong like you, and will make it,'' he said calmly. I looked up, shocked, then kissed his cheek. He blinked, and I smiled before shutting my eyes.

    "You are so amazing, Rogue,'' I murmured, laying my palms flat on his exposed chest.

  ''Hopefully after our date you'll find me even better,'' he said teasingly. I chuckled, feeling myself drift a little.

 "I'll guess we'll have to see, now won't we?" I teased.

"Time to bust out the caviar ands child slaves, I suppose."




        A/N: Eh? Team Rogue? Team Jack? Tell me what you think. Vote, comment, fan, tell your friends. <3

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