Kickin' It

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Hi guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, but I hope the next few chapters make up for it! Again, I'm so sorry! Anyway, drop me a line and let me know what you think! xx Lennie :) (also pls excuse the corny title I thought it was hilarious hahaha)

I was allowed to go back to school the following week. Mr. Oleander was not fired, much to my parents’ dismay. The police were in a thorough investigation but until a decision was made, I was required to attend all of the classes that I was assigned earlier in the term.

Without Niall and Harry.

Mam, Dad, and Mark put up a huge fuss and threatened to sue the school if I wasn’t taken out of his class or at least put with either my brother, Harry, or Zayn. The school couldn’t help her and advised her to wait until the police were ready to tell them what they’d decided.

Unafraid, remember?

So that’s how I ended up sitting alone in the same seat in the same psychology class with the same teacher who had attempted to rape me.

Attempted, but not succeeded, right?

I tried not to be completely paralyzed in fear day after day. I almost puked on the third day I was in his class and he stopped me as I was attempting to make my usual hasty exodus from the classroom. He waited until everyone had left before he shot his arm out to block my pathway to the door.

“Get out of my way.” The threat came out a little squeaky—not nearly as Kylie Minogue-ish as I imagined in my head.

“I see you weren’t as good at keeping secrets as we thought you were, hm?” he mocked. He took a step closer to me and I dug my fingernails into the flesh of my arm. “I’m hearing some rumors.”

“Mr. Oleander, I need to go.” I ducked under his arm and burst out of the classroom. As I speed walked down the hallways, I scratched my arm nervously. Why wasn’t anyone stopping him?

The halls were empty but my head wasn’t. The bell had rung ages ago, but dizziness was beginning to take over. I stumbled into a wall grasping my burning arm and collapsed to the ground. I pulled my hair anxiously and tried to breathe normally.

“Perrie? What’s wrong?” I looked up and saw Liam Payne looking down at my in concern. I wiped my eyes quickly.

“It’s nothing. I just have something in my eye. A twig or a branch or a contact or something,” I sniffed.

“I didn’t know you wore contacts.”

“Oh, I don’t which is why I was tearing up, you know?” He stuck his hand out to me.

“Did someone mess with you?” he asked.

“It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine,” he frowned as he yanked me up. “If someone is messing with you, you have to tell somebody.”

“Alright, I will.”

“Pinky promise?” I hooked my pinky with his. “Cross you heart and hope to die.”

“Stick a needle in my eye,” I finished. He smiled warmly.

“See ya, Pez.” He jogged down the hallway and I was alone again. I was now ten minutes late to class. I felt that old sense of terror creeping into my stomach. I couldn’t my breaths and my footsteps and had to speed up when I thought I heard someone following me. I knocked hard on the door and Ms. Halifax poked her head out.

“Perrie!” she whispered in alarm. “I need to talk to you right now.” She told the class that Leigh-Anne was in charge and she slipped out of the door. “I must confess, I’m quite worried about you, dear. You’re my best student but in the past few weeks, your marks have gone down a lot and I’ve noticed a change in your personality. Has something happened?”

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