The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

Beckendorf had his left arm free and raised it up towards his watch.

"What issss he doing? What isss that on hisss wrissst?" A Dracaenae hissed.

Percy, with no other choice, threw his sword at Kronos, which made him pause, and he ran across the deck, jumping off.

Beckendorf pushed the button on the watch, and the Princess Andromeda exploded in green flames, that spread out many yards.


I woke up screaming. I sat up and trembled.

Around me, I could hear the hosts dropping any task they we're doing and run to me, yet I paid no mind to them.

'PercydeadtoobigexplosionspycampdangerKronos!' My thoughts were a mess and I was trembling. Percy and Beckendorf couldn't be dead, they just couldn't.

What happens now?

What about the prophecy? What about camp? Our safe haven could now be a danger. I felt a hand on my shoulder and blankly looked at the person. Haruhi was next to me, her eyes filled with worry.

"Kotoko...?" I smiled but it turned out more like a grimace

."Sorry." I cringed at how my voice cracked. "Bad dream."

Standing up, I pushed Haruhi's hand away and walked past the hosts.

"Wait, Kotoko--"

"I'm going home. See you later." I interrupted dully. Feeling the stares on my back, I ignored it and kept walking to the door.

~~~~{Line Break}~~~~

They watched as Kotoko went through the doors.

"Is she going to be okay?" Honey asked. He squeezed his rabbit close to him in worry.

"I think I should go with her..." Haruhi said.

"You can't." Kyoya stated. Haruhi turned around and glared.

"Why not? She's my cousin and right now I don't know why she's like that!"

"The ladies are coming and we can not just leave them. You have your debt remember?" He lifted his glasses up his nose causing the light to reflect.

"Don't worry my daughter! We shall all go visit Kotoko after club hours." Tamaki reassured. Haruhi gave him a small smile, not even yelling at him for calling her his daughter.

"It's just...she's been having these nightmares lately. It's nothing big, but this is the first time I've seen her look so...dead."

The others let the words sink in, worrying about Kotoko even more than before.


As soon as I walked out of the front gates, I ran all the way home, not even wanting to take the bus.I had to get these questions out of my head.

Just what happened to Percy?




After shortening a thirty minute trip into fifteen, I quickly unlocked the door and ran into the bathroom, grabbing a sieve* on the way there.

I fumbled for a bit with the sieve but managed to create a fine mist with the shower head.

Pulling out a drachma from my pocket, I flipped it into the water with my thumb.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, Chiron, Camp Half-Blood." The water blurred and shifted into the familiar background of camp. Seeing Chiron in the Big House dancing to his old music in his centaur form made me cheer up a bit.

The Japanese Demigod-A Percy Jackson and Ouran crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now