"Yeah, I, uh, kind of borrowed it," Stiles muttered.

"Stole it."

"Yes, fine! I stole it! But only because of something on it." Stiles said.

"Wait, how do you even have it in the first place?" Brooke asked.

"I went over to her house at lunch. I wanted to see if she remembered anything since Jackson has apparently gone mute and you won't tell me anything," Stiles said with an accusatory tone. Brooke lowered her gaze.

"Look, Stiles, I—" Brooke began.

"No, just... just watch this video, okay?" Stiles interrupted her. Brooke reluctantly nodded her head. They walked over to the formal dining table and Stiles gave Brooke the phone.

Brooke hit play, and the first few seconds of the video were normal. Lydia was posing at different angles for the camera, and for a second that appeared to be it. Just as Brooke was about to call Stiles a perv, the camera whipped around to face the video store. A large black creature with glowing red eyes burst through the window, and Lydia's screaming could be heard through the phone.

Brooke winced at the sound of her best friend screaming, and quickly shut off the phone and placed it on the table in front of her. Stiles looked at expectantly.

"Well?" Stiles asked. Brooke moved her gaze so she wasn't looking at him. "Come on, Brooke! Don't tell me that's a mountain lion!"

Brooke stood up from the table abruptly, grabbing Lydia's phone. Her finger hovered over the screen, and she made the decision to go ahead and delete it.

"Whoa, did you just delete it?" Stiles asked, standing up so he was next to her. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Because Lydia doesn't need to see it again!" Brooke practically yelled, surprised at the volume of her voice. "Nobody needs to see it."

She turned and walked into the kitchen, Stiles following after her. "It was the Alpha wasn't? That's what you saw last night."

Brooke groaned and turned back to face him. "Yes, Stilinski. It was the Alpha. Is that what you wanted to hear? You happy?"

"Why couldn't have you just told me that?" Stiles asked. "You didn't need to go all radio silence on me!"

"Yes, I did. You didn't need to know it was the Alpha. This doesn't concern you."

"Doesn't concern me?" Stiles asked incredulously. "Scott is my best friend. How do you expect me to trust you if you aren't telling me everything?"

"You don't need to know everything. You're human, okay?" Brooke said exasperatedly. "You shouldn't have to worry about the supernatural. It's dangerous and it's safer for you to not be involved."

"Lydia and Jackson were humans and they weren't involved, yet they still got attacked, Brooke!"

"Exactly!" Brooke yelled. "That's exactly why we need to keep the normal world and the supernatural world separate. If we don't, there will be innocent casualties. Don't think you're somehow immune to this because your best friend thinks he has his furry little problem under control. Newsflash: He doesn't!"

"I know that I'm not immune to anything," Stiles yelled back, his face turning a dark red color. "That's why I want to be informed. If I know what's going on I can try and prevent anything serious from happening."

Brooke shook her head sadly. "No, you can't. My brother thought the same way, and you know what happened to him? He died. He was burnt alive. It's safer for you not to be involved."

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