The Real Pet

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Dipper's p.o.v

"Choose quickly. Mabel and I need to get groceries." I glance around the pet store. "Th-this one!" Will puts his hand on the glass to a small husky pup. "That's the one you want?" I look at the puppy, smiling slightly. "Yes" Will waves at the shop keeper. I watch as the puppy is slowly picked up and handed to Will. "She's so soft" Will begins to snuggled the puppy. I walks over and put a collar leash, dog bowls, and food down on the counter. "I'm gonna name her Spirit" Will pets Spirit's head softly.

I walk in the mansion, carrying groceries. Will catches a few items that fall out of my arms. "Master, be careful" Will had gotten out of his shy state around me ever since I softened up to him. "I don't need to be careful when I have you to catch things" I chuckle afterwards, then open the door. Spirit runs inside and sniffs around carefully. "Let's keep her away from Mable" I sit the groceries on the counter and shut the door. Will and I make our way to his old bedroom and I begin to rearrange it for Spirit.

After her room was finished, we headed out into the woods and found a nice place to sit. "It's so pretty out" Will smiled as he sat a blanket down. I sat on the blanket and sighed. Will sat down next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I close my own eyes and listen to the forest. "Master?" Will asked in a soft voice. "Hm?" I lay my chin on his head. "I love you..." he smiles at my actions. "I love you too" I wrap my arms around his tiny body and hug him softly. Will started to fall asleep in my arms, so I picked him up carefully and begun to carry him back to the mansion. I laid him on the bed and crawled up next to him, snuggling him until I passed out myself.
Okay... So... I'm sorry... I haven't been updating a lot...

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