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Will grinned at Dipper "What's wrong Pinetree? You were so confident a second ago! Are you scared about Shooting Star?" Will lets out an evil laughter after. Dipper backed up carefully, his hands curling into fists "YOU BRING HER BACK! YOU! YOU... TORTILLA CHIP!" Dipper stood his ground, trying not to laugh at his own insult. Will chuckles at his failed insult "You call that an insult? You don't scare me, Pinetree!" Will flicks Dipper's forehead. Dipper looked down, feeling his anger welling up inside of him. Will tilts his head, confused. Dipper takes a deep breath "How about a deal? I let you have my journal for your powers?" Dipper smiles innocently afterwards. Will's expression turns into one of curiosity. "Hmm... Book 3 instead of my powers.... Deal." Will holds out his hand. Dipper takes his hand and he feels his body glowing. "I can't give all of them to you, you would be too powerful. Shooting Star has half. It's only fair" Will admits. Dipper grins, feeling his newfound powers "I can feel the electricity flowong through me" he laughs, looking over at his twin sister, who has a devilish look on her face. Will stares at Dipper "well, where's my book?" Will tilts his head, now being shorter than both Dipper and Mabel. Dipper rolls his eyes and hands Will the 3rd book "enjoy, little brat" Dipper's face turns into a evil grin. Will looks at his hands, seeing blue chains cling onto them "what the...?" Will pulls and tugs his arms, but it's no use. Dipper laughs again "you're my pet now~ don't try to escape~" Dipper pulls Will to him with the chains. Will stared up at Dipper in horror "this wasn't part of the deal!" Will's gaze moves down to his cuffed arms. Dipper smiles at Will "you're going to help us become famous" Dipper's grin widens.

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