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Grace's P.O.V

I stretched like a feline in the bed. I smiled as I remembered where I was. The mattress felt like a cloud, it was so soft and heavenly.

The delicate curtains around the bed were elegant and lacy, making me feel like a...a...

My eyes flew open.


I felt around me and found the bed empty of Roman.

I stayed there as I sat up, making myself comfortable. This whole room made me feel like I was noble, a royal, that P word.

The bedroom door opened and Roman came in, holding a coffee mug.

"Good, you're awake, drink this, then get dressed. We've got a busy day today." He placed the coffee on the bedside table and left.

We have a busy day today? We?

I was intrigued.

I got up out off the bed and took the coffee, sitting on the edge, letting the aroma assault my senses. I took a sip. It's exactly how I liked it. White, a flat level teaspoon of my favourite coffee brand and one large teaspoon of sugar. It even had chocolate sprinkles on top.

Has he been talking to Toni? My assistant from Roman Empire?

I greedily finished the coffee and regrettably got up off the bed completely.

I went to the room where I found my clothes yesterday.

I rummaged through them, finding something suitable and quickly got dressed.

I laced up my tennis shoes and found a bag and after I placed my wallet and phone in it, I was wondering around the large house.

I didn't have far to go, I found the kitchen with Roman in there, waiting, probably for me.

"That's a different room to the one I slept in last time I was here." I said, pointing to where I had come from.

"The main room wasn't finished then. Plus you were still having a high."

I flinched. Why is he so blunt?

"Let's go."

"Where?" I asked him as I followed him out off the kitchen. We went straight to the entry of the huge house and to his car.

Roman never answered me as we headed back to the city where he worked, but then, he didn't take that turn off.

I watched, interested, reading each sign we passed, trying to figure out where he is taking me. We were going to the city, but the other side. He worked and I lived in the west side but we were heading north.

I wanted to ask what was going on, but I knew he wouldn't answer me.

"I think I'm figuring you out." I said to him.

"What makes you think that?" He asked as his answer.

"I could sit here and ask repeatedly where we are going, and you won't answer me. But usually of late, when you don't answer me, you still show me. And surprisingly, I like what you show me."

Roman didn't say anything as I watched him.

"So we are going somewhere I do or will enjoy." I narrowed my eyes at him, but he didn't give anything away.

I waited and he eventually sighed. "You're going to find out anyway. There is a thing on, it's a bit far from my home. I've booked a hotel room because I don't want to drive back late at night."

"So if it's a night thing, why are we leaving now?"

"Because, I need to do a few things on this side of the city before we go there. I'm dropping you off at the hotel and I will be back later."

My brows knitted together. Is he getting this person he has met? Is he introducing me to her? Letting her know he has a past? That I'm his ex wife?

"Stop thinking too much in to it." I heard Roman say as he took the exit. "Everything you need will be at the hotel room."

I nodded, as a feeling of anxiety started to grow in me. Did he meet her while he was gone for the week? He has come back a different person. He is even treating me nicely.

After another twenty minutes, Roman pulled up outside a fancy looking building.

"Just let them know you are checking in under my name. They will give you a key." Roman said as he shifted his body towards me.

"I'll be back around four. Be ready by then."

"What about clothes? I didn't bring any." I told him.

"Like I said, everything will be in your room. I will meet you at four on the second floor of the hotel."

"Okay." Came my shake voice as I got out off the car, closing the door.

"Oh and Grace," I heard Roman call me.

I leaned down to look in the car through its down window.

"Don't make me come up and get you, princess." He pulled out of the parking bay and drive off.

I pouted as he called me that. I don't know how many times I've told him not to call me that!

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