Chapter Five: The Wind Plane

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Chapter 5: The Wind Plane

The portal opened above a village on fire, screams echoing as everyone plummeted. Well, screams, and laughter. June was laughing her ass off as she fell. Iris glared at the obnoxious girl. Her daggers were out when she landed, ready for trouble. June landed, still laughing. She fell on her ass, just at the right moment to dodge a stray spear. Alex landed with fire burning in his hands, ready to throw, and Jason landed in a typical standing position. Ash fell into his arms, bridal style. She blushed and stayed in his arms a few seconds longer than was necessary. A massive flower sprang from the ground, catching something and retracting to the ground. The flower bloomed once again, Iridessa strolling out from among it's bright petals nonchalantly, as if walking out of giant flowers was an everyday thing for her, which, to be fair, it kinda was. She wasn't just the best plant mage, she was kinda the only one left after the war. Grayson floated down on a pair of sleek dragons wings, a dark blue in color. Sylvara landed like Jason, but without catching any crushes falling from a portal. Rori shot an arrow, creating a boulder for her to surf down on. The rock crashed into the ground, and Rori kept her footing. She hopped off, grinning. Victoria landed with a sweep of her cloak and a flick of her top hat, always one to make an entrance. She grinned up at Natalie, who was just coming through. The portal vanished just as she cleared it with a crack, and Natalie somersaulted to her feet. Iris glanced at the burning village, than to Natalie. "Should we help?"

"Yes! That's where my contact was supposed to meet me!" Sylvara exclaimed, taking off towards the village, sword drawn. Iris sprinted after her, barely managing to keep up. Everyone else followed, various weapons out and ready. People were screaming and running, and laughter floated above it all. Alex dodged and weaved through the people running away, barely taking the time to look at them. If they weren't an immediate threat, they weren't worth it right now. He did note, however, that they were humanoid for the most part. Their skin was a light green color, and that's about all he cared. He held his scythe aloft so nobody accidently killed themselves by running into it. Sylvara was somewhere ahead, Iris too. Finally, the rush of people cleared up a little, allowing him to see more. People ran through the village wielding various weapons, smashing things and setting more fires. Various wings and tails flapped behind them. Some feathered, some scaly, some completely transparent. Sylvara leapt into combat, sword flashing furiously. Alex watched as she leapt from on person to the next, sword arcing towards necks and chests, a wild anger in her eyes. Then his attention was diverted as one of the things leapt at him. His scythe was up in an instant to block the tip of a spear, than the shaft. He swung a counterblow, scythe flashing with fire, throwing them across the main road. Alex dashed after him, scythe flowing through the air, shearing the man's body in half. He vanished in a blast of cold air. He turned and ran into the carnage.

Iris was busy with her own dragon man. This one wielded a pair of his own daggers, so Iris was excited. She rarely got to fight other dagger wielders, and they were usually really not any good, so she won quickly. Iris charged, daggers flashing with fire. The draconians daggers met hers in a crash of sparks and spellcraft. Iris grinned, and an explosion detonated right in front of her face, scorching her hair and blasting her opponent back. She dashed to the next, and soon the next. Slashing and hacking her way through, she saw countless other melees taking place up and down the street.

Rori fired arrow after arrow into a crowd of the monsters, whatever they were. They seemed to have no real intelligence, only mindless violence. Iris would make up a name later. One of the got in a hit on Rori, and she flew backwards. A flower erupted out of the ground, catching her gently. Iridessas handiwork, no doubt. Rori leapt down from the purple petals, calmly nocking another arrow. She fired, but into the sky. Whistling filled the air as the arrow multiplied mid flight, becoming a death rain that obliterated huge amounts of the draconians. But there was more to replace the fallen.

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