Chapter Two: A Mission is Decided

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Iris fell through the portal into a spacious room. Luckily, just big enough to hold four people and a dragon. Iris noticed Alex hiding his scythe. She smiled . Idiot. Tornada looked uncomfortable with the small amount of space in which she could move. She muttered a quick charm, and shrank down to the size of another person, albeit a tall one. Rori and Ash both put their weapons away, and Iris slipped her daggers neatly into her sleeves, smiling as their boss walked into the room. Their boss was an... interesting person, to say the least. She was around five foot seven, and she had a pair of bright blue ribbons in her hair that gleamed with an almost metallic quality. Her name was Natalie. Iris gave a little wave, and Natalie nodded back, turning her attention towards Tornada, who had changed her shape again. Instead of a dragon, Tornada had taken the form of a young woman with hair the same color as her scales had been. She was wearing a blue mid calf length dress, slit on the sides so she could run and fight, all the shades of the sky prominent in its surface. She was now around five foot six, and she was a sword strapped to her back.

Iris was willing to bet it was the same color as her claws had been, but she couldn't remember the color. Odd. she normally had an eye for weird details like that. Oh, well. Natalie glanced up and down at Tornada, then looked at Alex. "Tornada, i presume?" she asked. Tornada cleared her throat. "Actually, in this form, I prefer to go by Sylvara" she said. Her voice was light and flowing, rather like a breeze. Rori rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Ok, ok, intro's over. Tell her what you told us." As Sylvara explained, Iris took a careful measurement of her body language and general posture, checking for any signs of falsehood. She also noticed Natalie doing them same. She also took the time to study her boss. Nobody actually knew what her weapon was, if she even had one. But being the head of their kind of organization generally meant one had some combat experience. Iris had seen many a fight between other members. Hell, she had even been challenged a few times herself(she won, of course), mostly by other people she was close with. And Alex. They always sparred at least once a month. And Iris always won. She had never been certain if she was better that him, or if he just let her win. It's also possible he doesn't use his full power. She certainly didn't. If she did, their entire building would probably be gone in a flash of flames and chaos. She smiled a little at the thought of their next duel. If she was correct in her timing, he would challenge her in about two weeks. She tuned back into the conversation.

"-expect me to send over ten?! I have not the means nor the will to do such a thing! We cannot afford to lessen our forces here. We must show no quarter to the Djinn! If we should falter, even the slightest, they will regroup and destroy us. You know this as well as I. So no. I'm afraid i cannot send ten of my best with you across the Gate. I do wish you luck though," Natalie said with finality. Sylvara looked angered, but she knew arguing would do no good. Iris knew that to, but it sure as hell didn't stop her from trying.

"Natalie, you know we can't afford two wars at once. The Djinn are already fucking us over. We can't risk the Wind Denizens either." Natalie whirled about to face Iris, glaring.

"Iris, my decision is final. Do not argue," Natalie said in an exasperated voice. Iris turned and stormed off.

"Well, she's gonna be pissed for a while," said Alex with a smirk. He turned to Ash and Rori, still grinning. "If i were you two, i would prepare to leave."

"What do you mean, leave?" asked Rori.

"Oh, come on! We all know Iris is gonna talk to Sylvara in private and agree to go. With or without us. And it won't just be the four of us. I'm relatively certain that the three of us can come up with people to ask," he said, looking meaningfully at the other two. They nodded. Ash vanished in a swirl of dark mist, and Rori took off down another hall. Alex strolled out the front gate, pausing as he always did to admire the intricate architecture. He was heading for the gardens. That's where he would be, if he was back. Soon, he found the maze entrance. The gardens were in the center of the hedge maze, and every member of their organization knew the way. Alex set off at a brisk pace through the bright flowers and the brilliant leaves, aiming to get there right when The individual in question would be leaving, if he was here. And there he was, exiting the gardens with a thoughtful look on his face as usual. "Gray!" Alex yelled. The man, Gray, turned and looked for who had called. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw who it was. Alex. God, he was so annoying. But Gray had to admit having him around was nice. He always brought a smile to most people's faces.. "What do you want?" he asked. Alex smirked. "Well, Iris is planning an expedition, and you'll be useful." Gray raised an eyebrow. "Just useful? I recall kicking your ass several times, and Iris's besides. I daresay i would be a good deal more than useful, dude." Alex flushed a little. He hoped it wasn't obvious. "Be that as it may, we still need you. A trip into the Wind Plane-"

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