"Compared to you, it is." Louis narrows his eyes in a glare.

"You calling me small?" Harry just shrugs.

"You are small. Even for an omega."

Louis continues to glare at the alpha. "Aw, give me a break! I'm big!"

Harry starts to laugh. "Sure you are, pup." Louis' smile fades immediately and Harry notices, calming down in an instand. "Sorry, I didn't want to cross any line." he apologizes immediately, making the omega smile slightly again.

"It's fine, just... Don't calm me that again." He averts his gaze, drinking the rest of his tea before standing up. "Uhm, I'm gonna head back to bed."

"Just put it in the sink." Harry says and Louis nods, doing as told.

"Good night, see you tomorrow." Louis turns to leave the kitchen, but Harry raises his voice once more.

"Breakfast at eight." Louis simply nods, making his way to the guest room he occupies.

Harry can't stop but smile at the image of the omega in his jumper. The grey clothing item reaches nearly mid thigh of the omega and it gives Louis adorable sweater paws.

At the same time he wonders what happened to the blue eyed boy. He was awake for the first ringing of Louis' phone, because he's a light sleeper. He heard what Louis said as he answered the call and how he left the guest room shortly after that.

He won't admit it, but he was a little worried about Zayns step brother. The alpha talked with his best friend about Louis' old life, but Zayn barely knows anything about the lad. Harry just needs to do a little digging.

The plan he has to bring Louis to submit to him is finished. He just needs the right people. Though he will wait a little before he is going to start it. He will try to befriend him so the omega trusts him.


Louis jumps down the stairs, Charlotte on his back. She giggles into his ear, making Louis smile bright.

It's a little after eight in the morning and they are on their way to breakfast. Charlotte woke the omega up barely five minutes before eight. Apperently he didn't hear his alarm so luckily Charlotte decided to wake him up and waited for him.

Louis opens the door to the dining room and all eyes are on him immediately. He feels his cheeks heat up because of all this attention.

"My apologies for being late. I overheard my alarm." Louis explains bowing his head slightly towards the Alpha and Luna. Just because they are the leader of his new pack and he can at least pretend to be a good omega around them. Usually he wouldn't give a flying fuck.

"No worries, dear. Please sit down." Louis let Charlotte slide down his back and she skips to her mother. She smiles at the omega who goes to sit down at the chair Anne pointed at. Across from Harry.

"How did you sleep?" Harry asks as Louis takes some pancakes and blueberries.

Louis stops his movements for a moment, looking at the alpha. He nods and looks away, turning back to his breakfast. "Good, really. The bed is very comfy." he says truthfully. "Thank you for letting me stay here." Louis says before he starts eating.

"Thank you for helping with Charly." Anne says smiling, making Louis smile as well. He looks to his left where the girl is giggling. It's then that he notices that there are three omegas here, who have nothing to do with the house itself.

He frowns, swollows his food and looks at the Luna. "I, uhm, have a question." Louis starts, earning a encouraging nod from Anne. "Uhm, why are they here?" he asks, motioning and smiling at the other three female omegas.

Anne smiles at him and so does Harry, the Alpha is eating without emotions on his face.

"Meg is hear so she can take better care of Charly. Her husband and mate has to work to pay for Charlie's treatments so she would be alone at her house." Louis nods understanding, while eating the delicious pancakes with butter and blueberries. "And Laura and Clara are here because they are pregnant." Louis looks at the two female omegas, who smile at him. One of them has a bigger baby bump, the other doesn't show yet.

"So pregnant omegas or who needs help stays here?" Louis asks curious.

"Not just omegas. Every pregnant werewolf is allowed to stay here, if they want to. And if someone is severely sick and needs special medical attention they can stay here as well." Anne explains.

"Mom used to be a nurse before she became the Luna." Harry says smiling at his mother. "She helps here and there and is first aider if something happenes in the house." Louis notices the small blush on Annes cheeks and smiles at her.

"That is really nice of you." he claims.

"It wasn't like that in your old pack?" Harry asks frowning at Louis.

The male omega shakes his head, not looking up. "No. They just had their single family house that was more expansive than every other house." Louis doesn't want to trash talk his old pack leaders, but they were shit. He doubts that they cared about their pack. They probably just wanted the power and a nice life. If someone was severely sick, they had to deal with it alone.

"Well, we truly care for every pack member. If something is wrong, no matter what, you can always talk to us." Anne smiles at Louis, who looks up at her and smiles back. He nods, but doesn't say anything.

Maybe they aren't that bad...


Go check out my Luke Hemmings -Texting Luke- story, please😁

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now